Guess what you do have several choices: no sex without being in a committed relationship (no one and done, no friends with “benefits”); use condoms, the pill, mirena or a combination; permanent sterilization; alternative sexual acts other than vaginal/penile. Consider every time you have vaginal intercourse, that you risks sexual disease and pregnancy despite birth control. If you aren’t prepared for these results, then don’t have sexual intercourse. There is another thought: responsible actions.
Guess what you do have several choices: no sex without being in a committed relationship (no one and done, no friends with “benefits”); use condoms, the pill, mirena or a combination; permanent sterilization; alternative sexual acts other than vaginal/penile. Consider every time you have vaginal intercourse, that you risks sexual disease and pregnancy despite birth control. If you aren’t prepared for these results, then don’t have sexual intercourse. There is another thought: responsible actions.
Amen to that. It's called responsible.