It’s All Going Woke As The National Archives Says The U.S. Constitution Has ‘Harmful Language’
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I live for the day when snowflakes who do these things are driven from the public square, tarred and feathered, and exiled to never return to America on pain of being jailed and executed. Let them go live in Kenya or North Korea or any place that will accept them...ANY place other than this sacred land.
This is old news this happened at least a year ago..why are we bringing it up again right now? Yes I was mad when they did it..and still am but why right now? Are we trying to distract from something else
Anyone who has the desire to get a master's degree and wants to control the information for the good guys. Get your masters in library's really a joke of a degree but as a public director, I feel good about being able to give good stuff to the public. Most librarians and archivist are far left nut jobs. I need more of you (patriots) in my field!