I just thought about the precipitous rise in adhd and realize it’s because they are basically letting teachers diagnose kids because they dont have the skills or ability to do what teachers used to do—teach.
Now it’s not about math and reading because they have cried about standards and the ability to hold them accountable. In return they are now ushering all these transformers.
The same assholes who push Ritalin are now pushing trans.
Teacher here, the school system is a mess! I'm in a red state, there isn't any trans stuff really being pushed in any schools I've worked in. This last school year, a kid transferred to my school from another one. This little girl was only in Kindergarten, but came in one day and said she was a boy now and had a new name. This was not something the school pushed on her, it was from her mother. Parents are the root of many problems, but somehow teachers and schools keep getting blamed. I've seen my own brother's wife turn their son into a freak. His wife started putting dresses and nightgowns on him when he was a toddler! She hates men, is a huge feminist and basically is trying to turn their only son into a tranny! Going back to schools though, parents are to blame for so much! Parents have a lot more influence over their kids than teachers do. Its also hard to teach when you have a class full of disrespectful, sugar filled, angry, neglected kids that don't know how to be respectful or responsible.