Bahahaha..The CCP openly mocking "Buydin"..
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China (and it's allies, like MSM, Soros etc.) are trying really hard to stir up more racial tension in the US. They have been doing this for a while, with some success. That is why they are strictly so against a multi cultural china as they see this as weakness, and something to exploit.
Just like another group of people I know of..but nailed it.
One has value, the other rapes, murders and consumes public resources.
Ah, the old "CuZ wHiTe PeOplE bE sO hArD tO cOnTrOl" dogma.
Yet, white people were by far the most compliant, and obedient subjects (total cucked sheep) when it came to following Doc Fauchi's tyrannical dictates to wear masks, and all that other stupid shit.
While white people were out being good little sheep, and buying designer brand face masks, it was the black Americans who Fauchi was complaining about, on TV, because they were not obeying his orders.
The entire foundation that this [white ppl too uncontrollable] nazi propaganda is built on is total bullshit, just like everything else based on that twisted ideology.