I know a lot of you guy are GME investors. Up 8.69% in after hours trading right now. I looked for another post with the same first before posting. Been a good day.
The last line is the most important and they put it last stock split in the form of a dividend.
Brokers are going to have to make up all the fake shares.
Man I thought I deleted it because I found another post.
So does that give me 4 x current value or 4 / current value?
The total value doesn’t change. Take the number of stocks you have x 4. Then take the price of the split, let’s say 10 shares at $200. You will now have 40 shares at $50 dollars. Partial shares with not receive dividend.
Thank you
When is deadline date to get shares before split?
The date of record is July 18. This means your settled shares will be counted on this date and you will be given an additional 3 for every 1 you hold. SETTLED, don’t wait to buy, git r dun!
With there being three times as many shares after the split, will that make it easier for the synthetic shorts to cover?
No they have to come up with 4 billion shares. I've seen several good estimates that their are 1 billion shares out of a possible 40 million real shares avalible on the market.