NYC is full of elites. Hopefully somebody is keeping an eye on a lot of them. If a mass exodus of them is detected, then everybody should get out of there.
Theres a guy who decoded the pics/borders on our money by folding it into a hexogram (i think thats what its called) and on every bill when folded has all the bombings that have already happened except for the $20 bill or $100 , sorry cant member which one🙄anyway, it shows that nyc gets nuked n then a tidlewave wipes it completely out😟i think his name is johnathan
Those new to the movement may not know or remember that whe Covid first hit, the 'word' was that the lockdowns were used by the military to hunt down rogue nukes the DS had hidden away for any challenge to their power. I remember seeing pics of a tactical nuke trailer being found (in Cali I think).
NYC is full of elites. Hopefully somebody is keeping an eye on a lot of them. If a mass exodus of them is detected, then everybody should get out of there.
Theres a guy who decoded the pics/borders on our money by folding it into a hexogram (i think thats what its called) and on every bill when folded has all the bombings that have already happened except for the $20 bill or $100 , sorry cant member which one🙄anyway, it shows that nyc gets nuked n then a tidlewave wipes it completely out😟i think his name is johnathan
Those new to the movement may not know or remember that whe Covid first hit, the 'word' was that the lockdowns were used by the military to hunt down rogue nukes the DS had hidden away for any challenge to their power. I remember seeing pics of a tactical nuke trailer being found (in Cali I think).