Yes, and your mother is exactly the same as all the other mothers who have ever lived, right?
Some mothers are going to be deeper sleepers, move around a lot, heavier, etc and wouldn't hear a baby crying if that baby had 200lbs rollover on top of it.
The point is, 'SIDs' has been going on for as long as mothers have been having babies. 1 Kings 3:16-28 - the story of Solomon offering to cut the baby in half. The first mother laid on top of the baby in her sleep and killed it, then took the other baby!
Not gonna argue this point but my brother defies your Dr's. My mom put my brother down for a nap on his back, on the floor of the living room. He died while she watched. When he started turning blue, she screamed for an ambulance. My mom would disagree. SIDS was the official diagnoses. So no, nobody laid on him. No, he wasn't in a crib or on pillows, either. Just on his back(recommended) on the floor with carpet. Vax? Maybe. Idk. But what you listed? No.
My mother co-slept with all of her children, all six have made it to adulthood. It’s one of the most natural things for a mother and infant to do.
Yes, and your mother is exactly the same as all the other mothers who have ever lived, right?
Some mothers are going to be deeper sleepers, move around a lot, heavier, etc and wouldn't hear a baby crying if that baby had 200lbs rollover on top of it.
The point is, 'SIDs' has been going on for as long as mothers have been having babies. 1 Kings 3:16-28 - the story of Solomon offering to cut the baby in half. The first mother laid on top of the baby in her sleep and killed it, then took the other baby!
Not gonna argue this point but my brother defies your Dr's. My mom put my brother down for a nap on his back, on the floor of the living room. He died while she watched. When he started turning blue, she screamed for an ambulance. My mom would disagree. SIDS was the official diagnoses. So no, nobody laid on him. No, he wasn't in a crib or on pillows, either. Just on his back(recommended) on the floor with carpet. Vax? Maybe. Idk. But what you listed? No.