Trump is endorsing all his Senate, House and state officials as we speak. If he were to return, it would be just after the mid-terms. I'd say January 21, 2023 would be a really good guess. Giving him 2 yrs of fake president Biden's remaining term and then as the likely MAGA candidate, a full second term in 2025.
We know there will be a red wave come mid-terms, given the Trump endorsement-to-win primaries (93%!!) That sets the 6 year stage for Legislative, Executive and Judicial branch MAGA.
Now, here is a MAGA hypothetical.
If MAGA supporters win back the majority in the House, they could vote Trump in as Speaker of the House. Law says; An average citizen can be voted in by it's members as Speaker!
Trump could then bring articles of impeachment against Biden & Harris. He could also do the same for corrupt House and Senate members, as well as SCOTUS and other agency corrupt personnel and department heads.
Can anyone imagine the multiple articles of impeachment to finally DRAIN THE SWAMP? Liberal leaning C-SPAN that televises these hearings would have a major case of the hives! Haha!
Maybe Trump comes back after the midterm candidates take office. He could serve 6 more years.
But lately I've been wondering if maybe someone else steps in for a while to kick off the tribunals. Purely for optics of course. Unless the military takes over for a few months, and then Trump is brought in.
Another thing to consider - Q suggested a "she" would take control of the WH. So maybe after the midterms the DNC and RNC panic and bring in their hero to save the day (i.e. their asses)
Where did he say a “she” will take over?
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1656e4 No.8976284 📁 Apr 30 2020 15:50:58 (EST)📁
Why are they pushing back the [D] convention?
COVID-19 concern or strategic for last minute change?
Change of Batter coming?
Why was she 'saved' from officially announcing?
Why was she 'reserved' for a last minute change?
How do you attempt to 'sneak one in'?
How do you attempt to ensure victory?
Adopt National Vote-by-Mail?
How do you convince American it was legitimate?
Release fake polls indicating favorable leads in swing states?
How do you harm opponents accomplishments re: economy, unemployment, ……………….?
How do you terminate opponents highly effective rallies?
How do you shelter [D] lead candidate from embarrassing debates and/or rallies?
How do you shelter [D] corruption re: FISA-RUSSIA-FLYNN-etc. from reaching the mainstream?
How do you extend the trade negotiation deadline w/ CHINA?
How do you limit [test] Constitutional rights of people?
How do you provide cover for State Govs to adopt new voter laws?
How do you effectively control the population?
How do you expand big tech overreach re: tracing / privacy issues?
How do you fix [taxpayer bailout?] the long-broken economies of CA & NY?
How do you enrich select people/co's by promoting a solution to a global crisis?
How do you keep people living in fear and isolation in order to accept the above?
Define 'insurgency'.
How do you accomplish all of the above?