Dear Darling Theodore, welcome to the world baby! My prayers are first praise to God for his mercy and grace. Second for mommy and daddy, that they would raise you to love and honor your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For immediate future to always question the treatment offered in your temporary home in NICU and next steps to freedom. Please know Mom and Dad that you know what's best for the little man and stand firm when you have made an educated decision for his health. Trust what I suggest here, I know what I'm talking about.
Dear Darling Theodore, welcome to the world baby! My prayers are first praise to God for his mercy and grace. Second for mommy and daddy, that they would raise you to love and honor your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For immediate future to always question the treatment offered in your temporary home in NICU and next steps to freedom. Please know Mom and Dad that you know what's best for the little man and stand firm when you have made an educated decision for his health. Trust what I suggest here, I know what I'm talking about.