If you can, try to find lots of childcare help while your wife is recovering. Like family or friends who can help mom. Premies usually need food and diapers every 3 hours. And that is very exhausting for mom and dad. Mom will need lots of rest (1-2 months).
Post partum depression and psychosis happen. This isn't to scare you. I think sleep deprivation plays a major role. My advice is make sure you're both getting REM cycles and ideally have at least one grandma to help mom for the first few weeks.
I'd highly recommend a "see through" crib. Ie, transparent plastic on the ends so you can easily see baby.
If you can, try to find lots of childcare help while your wife is recovering. Like family or friends who can help mom. Premies usually need food and diapers every 3 hours. And that is very exhausting for mom and dad. Mom will need lots of rest (1-2 months).
Post partum depression and psychosis happen. This isn't to scare you. I think sleep deprivation plays a major role. My advice is make sure you're both getting REM cycles and ideally have at least one grandma to help mom for the first few weeks.
I'd highly recommend a "see through" crib. Ie, transparent plastic on the ends so you can easily see baby.