Monkeypox (as they call it) is real. That most of us are at risk, is not real. Whether it was caused by small pox vaccines, or a side effect of Covid vaccines, etc. It is a "thing" to cause more fear and vaccinations,
especially since they stress anyone can get it.
The point being, quarantines were never intended to protect US, or about the truth otherwise why stress monkeypox vaccinations for heterosexual, why not shut down bath houses?
Monkeypox. Fake as covid-19. How stupid are people?
Yeah, it is so fake that they were using old photos of shingles claiming they were current photos of monkey pox!
Monkeypox (as they call it) is real. That most of us are at risk, is not real. Whether it was caused by small pox vaccines, or a side effect of Covid vaccines, etc. It is a "thing" to cause more fear and vaccinations, especially since they stress anyone can get it.
The point being, quarantines were never intended to protect US, or about the truth otherwise why stress monkeypox vaccinations for heterosexual, why not shut down bath houses?
They lie, obfuscate, and spin