posted ago by Brennywaffle ago by Brennywaffle +19 / -0

With the amount of wonton death all about, no shit a WMD of some sort was deployed. I think the two best guesses for what it was/is is the MSM and the vaxx.

Case for the vaxx: 1st off: No shit the vaxx is a weapon of war, its intended to kill. My definition of WMD's: A weapon that continues to kill well after the war is over. In this sense, then yeah its a WMD. Garunteed, fools will keep dieing to this shit for years from now.

Case for the MSM apparatus: The woke engineering that has brought the fools to theyre current pitiful state has been acting upon them theyre entire lives. As the deepstate is destroyed, theyre generations long phsyc campaign culminates with the vaxx. Like a cult that knows its over, so it pulls out the koolaid. One could argue that the phsyc campaign that has trapped them is the WMD and that its payload is punctuated with the (koolaid) vaxx.

What are your thoughts?