Okay—the bad guys inflicted Covid-19 on the world, then the good guys countered by unleashing the airborne vaccine "Omicron" on us, correct? Do you think it stopped there? Time for a VIBE CHECK: Fellow amphibians, how are you *really* feeling? Any new, strange, unusual 'bugs' going around?

Not feeling so good, I got an alert from my watch that I was in afib and I sat there watching it spike from 40-160.
Turned out to be blood clots, which they gave me brilinta for.
I am not “vaxxed.”
The clots have migrated to my lungs , and for some time on day two I was losing vision in my right eye. The ddimer only took a couple days to change back to normal. Heart rate was fine after a few days but I had a few nights it was as low as 38-39. Feels bad man.
Edit: I feel like this would have felt a lot worse if I didn’t get on the blood thinners immediately.
I’m coughing a lot (pulmonary embolisms, duh) and ct scan shows very inflamed … I don’t know what they are, they look like tubes or veins or something .. so I’m on NAC and añbuterol and montelukast for that as well. No other symptoms of “cold” or illness I just bark a lot.
I’m at sea level , it’s raining a lot and I’m worse every time it rains or drys out. Whenever I’m around vaxxies I get flushed and feel hot and break out in a bead of sweat- even just from 5-10 feet away. I’m not “COVID crazy” but I stay the hell away from everyone at the moment.
Is afib a condition you deal with normally? Or, was this a new symptom as well fren?
Brand new symptom. It has not come back and my pulse is stable all on its own now.
For a minute there I couldn’t even walk downstairs or to and from my car without being out of breath. I’m remarkably better and that’s coincided with the pulse/HR stabilizing even more.