After you do this, meditate on the 10 commandments.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Maybe - through meditating on the 10 commandments - people can come to understand that those commandments are also PROMISES!
"You won't EVER take My Holy Name in vain again because of the loving relationship you'll have with me..." (see commandment # 1)
"You won't BOTHER coveting something or someone in the life of someone else because you will respect other people and their well-being, BECAUSE I will give you fulfillment in yourself and your relationships!" (see commandment # 1)
"You'll never steal because I will PROVIDE for you [disclosure: yes, you'll still have to work if you're able - but I will lead you to work that you LOVE]. I will provide for you because you will love Me and I have ALWAYS loved you." (see commandment # 1)
"You'll never murder anyone because I will fill your heart with love and wisdom and you'll attract to yourself loving people of wisdom and humility" And so on...
Commandment #1: (When you REALLY get to know me and give your heart and love to Me) "You absolutely will LOVE the Lord Your God with all of your heart soul, mind and strength - and it won't be a struggle. Your whole LIFE will be joyful, blessed and strengthened and you will be a true, spiritual heir of Father Abraham and of The Lord Christ and you'll be adopted into My family..."
It may take some effort to get to know God in Christ personally but that relationship is THE MOST loving, joyful, funny, gracious relationship you can imagine. EVERYTHING falls into place when you get the 1st commandment right. Trust me on this: HE IS everything you've ever wanted in your heart and He will provide or lead you to everything you need.
May our Beloved Father God in Christ Bless and Keep you! AMEN!
After you do this, meditate on the 10 commandments.
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
Maybe - through meditating on the 10 commandments - people can come to understand that those commandments are also PROMISES!
"You won't EVER take My Holy Name in vain again because of the loving relationship you'll have with me..." (see commandment # 1)
"You won't BOTHER coveting something or someone in the life of someone else because you will respect other people and their well-being, BECAUSE I will give you fulfillment in yourself and your relationships!" (see commandment # 1)
"You'll never steal because I will PROVIDE for you [disclosure: yes, you'll still have to work if you're able - but I will lead you to work that you LOVE]. I will provide for you because you will love Me and I have ALWAYS loved you." (see commandment # 1)
"You'll never murder anyone because I will fill your heart with love and wisdom and you'll attract to yourself loving people of wisdom and humility" And so on...
Commandment #1: (When you REALLY get to know me and give your heart and love to Me) "You absolutely will LOVE the Lord Your God with all of your heart soul, mind and strength - and it won't be a struggle. Your whole LIFE will be joyful, blessed and strengthened and you will be a true, spiritual heir of Father Abraham and of The Lord Christ and you'll be adopted into My family..."
It may take some effort to get to know God in Christ personally but that relationship is THE MOST loving, joyful, funny, gracious relationship you can imagine. EVERYTHING falls into place when you get the 1st commandment right. Trust me on this: HE IS everything you've ever wanted in your heart and He will provide or lead you to everything you need.
May our Beloved Father God in Christ Bless and Keep you! AMEN!