Think so, eh? How little you must know about true Christianity. We are compelled and commanded to love others around us, no matter what their state of being.
Nowhere does anything in this post suggest that you don't do anything to help your neighbor. You just reading that into the situation. He's just pointing out that things are getting bad and that this is probably necessary for people to wake up. Also OP never claims to be a Christian. You've clearly got some ax to grind.
Thanks, I've spent a lifetime helping others and I'm a Christian. Pointing out the pain triggers the short sighted. Not that I enjoy the pain of any of the innocent. When I said it sucks that was an understatement.
Think so, eh? How little you must know about true Christianity. We are compelled and commanded to love others around us, no matter what their state of being.
Nowhere does anything in this post suggest that you don't do anything to help your neighbor. You just reading that into the situation. He's just pointing out that things are getting bad and that this is probably necessary for people to wake up. Also OP never claims to be a Christian. You've clearly got some ax to grind.
Thanks, I've spent a lifetime helping others and I'm a Christian. Pointing out the pain triggers the short sighted. Not that I enjoy the pain of any of the innocent. When I said it sucks that was an understatement.