If people want to take back the schools, including private ones, they need to look at the factories (universities) that are pumping out today's teachers. This is what is taught today. Whites racist, everyone else good. Straights oppressive, gays good. Question your gender. Parents are oppressors if they force a child to be a "cisgender." If you don't parrot these talking points, you won't pass the classes to become a teacher.
When school systems only have the option to hire flaming liberals, what else can they hire? From the top down, most schools are filled to the brim with leftists now. There are handfuls of conservatives like me who get by the professors and get a teaching license and then fly under the radars of frothing Marxist administrators because they actually want to teach and not indoctrinate, but the vast majority of student teachers are going into the profession to "make a change." As Charlotte Iserbyt said, teachers have become change agents and nothing more. Universities and colleges (and, of course, teachers' unions) that promote teaching as a form of protest should be DEFUNDED and exposed. So, pretty much all of them.
If people want to take back the schools, including private ones, they need to look at the factories (universities) that are pumping out today's teachers. This is what is taught today. Whites racist, everyone else good. Straights oppressive, gays good. Question your gender. Parents are oppressors if they force a child to be a "cisgender." If you don't parrot these talking points, you won't pass the classes to become a teacher.
When school systems only have the option to hire flaming liberals, what else can they hire? From the top down, most schools are filled to the brim with leftists now. There are handfuls of conservatives like me who get by the professors and get a teaching license and then fly under the radars of frothing Marxist administrators because they actually want to teach and not indoctrinate, but the vast majority of student teachers are going into the profession to "make a change." As Charlotte Iserbyt said, teachers have become change agents and nothing more. Universities and colleges (and, of course, teachers' unions) that promote teaching as a form of protest should be DEFUNDED and exposed. So, pretty much all of them.
Remember this Austin. Austin and all of its lefty transplants probably love this.