"The ministers of God were not meant to be soothsayers but truth-sayers. We were not called to predict all the changing events in the kingdoms of this world, nor to be the heralds of a future antichrist, but to proclaim the ETERNAL PRESENT CHRIST. The book of Revelation is not primarily intended to teach world events. It is intended to teach the purposes of God and spiritual realities. The principal pictures deal with two churches — the true church and the false church — and the spiritual laws and activities represented by these two. The false church is "Mystery Babylon," the "scarlet-clad woman," who has apostatized from her true husband and is now committing fornication with the world. If she had not one time walked with Christ she would not be known as a "church," nor would her fling with the world constitute "fornication." What is a harlot? The harlot is a woman who sells that which is her characteristic honor and glory and lives in dissipation, a woman without honor, who lives in most intimate relation and intercourse with men outside of the sacred bond of marriage. In union with her many lovers this woman brings forth a vast company of harlot daughters like unto herself, filling the whole world with the filthiness and abominations of her lewdness and fornication. The true church is the "Heavenly Jerusalem," the "sun-clad woman," who brings forth a manchild who is destined to rule all nations with a rod of iron. These two churches are in the world together and the world cannot tell the difference, but the destiny of them is very different. Babylon is utterly destroyed, and the true church becomes a kingdom of priests, reigning with Christ over all things; the nations of them that are saved shall walk in its light and the kings of the whole earth shall bring their glory and honor into it. Great is the mystery!"
Much more in the link:
"It is interesting to note that the American Banking Association has a two week training program in Washington, D.C. to help bank tellers detect counterfeit bills. They do not listen to long lectures explaining and denouncing counterfeit money. Nor do they even touch it. Instead the trainees handle only authentic currency day after day, hour after hour, until they are so familiar with the real thing that they cannot possibly be fooled. This is also the apostolic approach to the spiritual counterfeits! To spot a counterfeit, one only needs to know and be thoroughly familiar with the true. Christ Himself is the true! Let us henceforth know that in all the universe there is no truth, no reality, and no life apart from Christ Himself. He is Himself the way, the truth, and the life, and He is the Lord and lifegiver of all, and there is no church apart from intimacy of fellowship and vital union with Him and no kingdom apart from the kingdom of which He is the sovereign King. This is the only true ruling authority that men are called to give absolute allegiance to. God has allowed religious organizations and political organizations to exist for a time, and some measure of good has been accomplished through them. But when men look to these organizations and systems for truth and life and eternal reality they are going to be deceived by counterfeit words and activities."
"we can contentedly study the vision with the comfortable assurance that we, at any rate, have no connection with it in any way. If the scarlet woman be simply a representation of the Roman Catholic Church, then every member of the Protestant Churches can, as many so frequently do, gaze complacently on the picture and feel that of a certainty it has no spiritual application to themselves."
"God has only one church, not one thousand and one. We nowhere read in scripture of "Christ and His churches." No, no! It is always Christ and "the church." Of course this one church is of necessity divided up into many local assemblies for the purpose of gathering together for worship, ministry, and fellowship. These various locales of gathering are called "churches," just as we have the "seven churches which are in Asia" in the book of Revelation. But God does not have a "Baptist Church" and a "Methodist Church" and a "Pentecostal Church" and a "Catholic Church" and a "Seventh Day Adventist Church" which refuse to have anything to do with one another! The Holy Spirit gave the world but one body, one faith, and one spirit (Eph. 4:4-6), with the Lord Jesus Christ as the sole legislator. The many bodies, and many faiths, and many creeds, and many legislators of the present day, constitute nothing more than spiritual prostitution. They are harlots one and all, who are living apart from their one and only lawful Husband and in love with and in intimate union with many lovers! "
"Thus God’s first and primary concern is not with the harlot church systems out in the world, but above all He’s concerned with the Babylon whore within each of us!"
"Yet, it is not alone the world without that creates the issue, but the world within as well! In fact I must repeat and reiterate with all the emphasis possible that the greatest danger to any man’s spiritual life is not the world outside of himself, but truly the world within!"
"It is very necessary that we be able to see the great truth that individually the great harlot is our very own soul."