"Here we are informed that this beast upon which the woman rides, is full of names of blasphemy. It is not one name but many names, for the beast is filled with them. This word "blasphemy" requires special translation, or decoding. It was a familiar word in the New Testament era. It is not used so much today, but it does have its modern counterpart. Why did the Jews of Jesus' day call Him a blasphemer? That was always their charge against Him! It was because He dared to call God His Father and to call Himself the Son of God. Therefore, they called Him a blasphemer because He was not teaching and operating according to the rules and regulations which they had set down -- His doctrine was not that of the scribes and Pharisees, but He said that He spoke only what He heard personally from His Father. His entire message and ministry was outside of the "box" constructed by the religious leaders of the Jews. Today if a lawyer is not operating according to the rules laid down by the Bar Association he is called non-ethical or a malpractitioner. Just so, if a physician is not following the rules of treatment laid down by the Medical Association, he is labeled a malpractitioner. This gives you our modern counterpart of the ancient term blasphemy."
"Thus we can see that this beast upon which the woman rides symbolizes malpractice, that is, he appropriates to himself what belongs to God; he dishonors Him, vilifies Him, shamelessly offends all that is true and godly -- blasphemes Him. That is what both the world and religion do -- they usurp the place of God in men's lives, putting their authority above God's truth, dominating men's lives through malpractice! They are not doing things God's way! It is not the Father Himself speaking and acting through them. Rather, it is the elevation of Self to either impress, influence, coerce, or control men. You see this plainly in nearly all the rulers of the world's systems, and if you refuse their domination you will be persecuted, discriminated against, fined, imprisoned, exiled, or excommunicated! Oh, yes!"
Larger study in the link:
I've always wondered about the "seven heads and ten horns". Does that mean that five of the heads represent males and two represent female? ((Since horned beasts are USUALLY male (but not always)) Just a pre-coffee thought, brain not up to speed this morning.
I wonder too, this study will get to that, if not this one, the next on..........enjoy your coffee!
The seven heads represent the seven kingdoms of the Earth; Pharaoh, Nimrod, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece and rome. These are the Nations that maintained the beast system. The 10 crowns are these same seven plus the US, Britain and Russia.
I'm thinking they're something spiritual, Revelation is not about the physical, it is written in symbols, symbolizing the spiritual kingdoms in you. Babylon is in you, the kingdom of Jesus Christ is in you, New Jerusalem is you, the City where God dwells.
This is why you need to read the Bible, the people of Israel choosing their King over God and the result of that choice? The kingdom that God is always talking about?
You're lost.
And you're spreading heresy. As a false prophet.
I'm praying that you cease of this.
Jesus Christ is the King in the Kingdom of God. Jesus Christ talked about His kingdom non stop. It's the only kingdom I have interest in. It's spiritual Andy, it's in you, as well as the King Jesus Christ. One kingdom Andy, just one, it is what the Revelation of Jesus Christ is talking about, Jesus Christ the King in you.
There are two kingdoms, the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God. You don't know this because you repented of the word of God and have accepted the preaching of harlots.
Jesus Christ came in the literal flesh, literally suffered, literally hung on the cross, literally died, literally rose again from the dead, literally descended into the heart of the Earth for three days and three nights, literally ascended into heaven where He presented Himself sinless before the counsels, literally returned and showed Himself, in the flesh to the disciples, literally ascended into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, He will literally return to the Earth, He will literally tread down evil in the wine press of God's wrath, He will literally bind Satan in the literal bottomless pit, He will literally rule the Earth for a thousand years, sitting in a literal Temple, on the literal throne of King David.
You are mired in apostasy.
You are literally seated with him in the heavens, how do you see that?
Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, 5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) 6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:
Nope, the kingdom of heaven is also God's kingdom, there is one kingdom Andy, the kingdom that Jesus Christ reigns in, the kingdom of God is God's heavenly kingdom. What purpose do you think two differing kingdoms serve? God is king of all, sovereign, and his Christ rules His kingdom, the risen Son of God Jesus Christ.
All power in heaven and earth is Jesus Christ's. Your victory is in Jesus Christ and His rule in your life.
"This is the subtle foliage of church tradition which Satan has spread to bury and smother the true ecclesia, but the Lord recognizes none of it as His. He is still admiring that spotless virgin church which has been rising in the heavenly realm throughout the centuries and which He has kept separate and holy unto Himself, as pure today as it was in the beginning. In the very beginning the Lord added to the true church daily such as should be saved, and I have confidence to believe that every day since then during all these long centuries of time He has been adding daily and hourly to that same mysterious church such as should be saved. It cannot be otherwise, for just as there is still in the earth today that gaudy harlot upon her beast there is likewise still upon earth in this hour the pure and glorious virgin clothed with the sun who is in travail to bring forth a manchild."
Proverbs 30:5,6 KJV Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.” Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.
Scripture is given to us for teaching doctrine. Teaching the doctrine that scripture teaces is not adding to the word of God, it is proclaiming the word of God. What purpose do you think God gives us teachers?
Matthew 4 KJV 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
I'm praying for you bro.
Thank you Andy :)
"These systems are called harlots because the love which should only be for the Lord Himself has been transferred to someone or something else. They are not known for their intimate association with the Lamb, but for their allegiance to someone or something other than the Lamb! Even the Bible can be loved, revered, and exalted to a position in our affections above the Lord our Lover! There are churches which call themselves "Bible Churches." Where do they get that idea? The church is not the church of the Bible -- it is the church of CHRIST! Christ is ALL! When the Bible is elevated to a position above Christ it is transmuted into an idol. I heard of one brother who had left a group known as "The Move." When he was asked why he had left he answered, "Because the Move was being preached and exalted above the Mover!"
They are not known for their intimate association with the Lamb, but for their allegiance to someone or something other than the Lamb!
Yeah like Mother Mary and the saints. Why doesn't this dude name the harlot?
There are churches which call themselves "Bible Churches." Where do they get that idea? The church is not the church of the Bible -- it is the church of CHRIST!
Actually, they are called Bible BELIEVERS. Pretty important word to leave out. But what difference does it make when you've already called the word of God an idol?
Really bro, you need to repent from this person. Before it's too late.
That is what he is continually doing in the study:
"Notice -- the beast which carries the woman has many names -- is full and running over with them, in fact. The woman has one name. John does not give us the many names upon the beast, but he does give us the one name upon the harlot. "And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH" (Rev. 17:5). Though the woman has but one name, she has many daughters and it should be evident that each of them has a name! Methinks the names of the daughters are the same names that are upon the beast, the very abominations of which she is the mother! This all seems so mysterious. But these are just varying pictures of the same reality. Any name, other than the name or nature of Christ in the spirit and by the spirit -- worldly or religious -- is blasphemy!"
Ephesians 4:11 God gave teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
Preston Eby is a teacher, I don't follow him, I'm edified by his teaching. I follow Jesus Christ, so no worries brother.
Revelation calls out our false gods, that which is a lie in us, we are simply taking heed to that Word of God.
2 Timothy 4 KJV 2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; 4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Find yourself a mirror bro. PREACH THE WORD.
Continued -
Oh great, now none of us can love God if we believe in hell. What about the souls under the altar, crying out for vengeance, did they love God or not? Apparently they believe in hell, what are they doing in heaven?
I would suggest that you study really hard on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. There's no way you can spiritualize this. It's already happened. God said he would kill everybody in the city and he burned them all out with fire. That area today, stands ravaged with balls of sulfur lying all around. He said it would never be inhabited again and it hasn't been. Same thing with the physical City of Babylon, wiped completely off the map and then uninhabited even to this day. Literally as God told it.
How can you spiritualize Noah's flood?
They get there vengeance:
Revelation 18:20 Rejoice over her, thou heaven, and ye holy apostles and prophets; for God hath avenged you on her.
The complete and utter fall of Babylon is the vengeance of our Lord. Again this is the Babylon in you! It is deliverance, and then you effect the whole creation, reigning with Jesus Christ, it is indeed wonderful..........way too far fetched for our carnal mind to understand, but the perfect spiritual mind sees the battle of Jesus Christ completely vanquishing all and every foe! It's awesom Andy!
Tell that to Sodom and Gomorrah.
Andy you're scared, Jesus didn't come to make you afraid. The new testament is not the old testament, the old testament had passed, I dare say most don't really get it, I surely don't, but we are of the new Testament, Jesus Christ doesn't want you all scared.
I believe in hell, but I don’t believe your doctrines, I've debated this for a decade, it actually bores me, but appeantly much of the body of Christ is still captive to this doctrine. So I'll gladly speak of these things, but there are plenty of recourses for you to study it on your own.
Tentmaker.org used to be good.........it's all there. But you would rather fight for your doctrine. It's endless and boring, now if you really want to learn something, follow the Holy Spirit and study the whole issue. Would you like another link?
I don't study apostasy I study the Bible.
Lol, teachers are given for our edification. You've chosen a doctrine, or did it choose you? You are right to question me about hell, but I'm not a teacher. I can give you resources, I'm looking for some right now. You're a good guy Andy, but are you fighting for your doctrine or is Jesus Christ showing you His?
I've never seen anyone spiritualize the passages in the Bible that tell you not to spiritualize the passages in the Bible. You've honestly blown my mind. Just take God's word and make it read whatever you want it to read that's awesome man. Does anyone know what words God will judge unbelievers by? What if they felt good about all the rapes and murders they committed, will God join in with their happiness?
Have you posted a scripture on this? You're arguing for an Old Testament judgment to a New Testament world. Even then, there is no doctrine of hell in the Old Testament. We take our doctrine from scripture as the Holy Spirit teaches it, that is how it's done. And you want to downplay the spiritual.
"When you see this beast kicking up the dust as he carries the harlot through the spiritual wastelands of the wilderness of the soul full of names of blasphemy, it is not difficult to understand that blasphemies point especially to religious names, concepts, and practices of all kinds. We must face this fact! The blasphemy may be that which distorts, diminishes, or impugns the character of God, the truth of God, the word of God, the purposes of God, the ways of God, or the will of God. Or it can be that which supplants or usurps the true things of God!"
"Sects, denominations, and cults have all come into being through the love and elevation of something else rather than the Lord Himself."