posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +17 / -0

Deep State believes in karma aka “reap what you sow”. They know secretly screwing over the people would destroy them via bad karma so they just tell people what they are going to do to lessen bad karma.

Here’s the trick.

Deep State often threatens to hurt people if they don’t obey them. This is usually enough for people to comply and by complying, they agree to be screwed over but if they don’t comply, deep state simply threatens again and again. If you don’t obey them regardless of all the threats (ie threat letters from lawyers), then they will have to act out on their threat or fold. Usually they fold because if they act out and attack you for no good reason, then they are directly violating your free will by attacking you for not obeying them and this kind of attack destroys them through bad karma.

For example, let’s say the deep state said you have to get get your kids vaxxed or else they will hurt you. Don’t vax them. Let them keep threatening. If they end up hurting you, they get BTFO naturally.

The deep state believe in God. They just hate God. They have enough proof of God in their hidden files and they can prove karma exists. Karma is just a an indicator if ones own actions are positive or negative. It’s a teaching tool. Hurting someone for not committing evil is something that produces a LOT of bad karma which eats them up.

Your job is to fearlessly take the threats and if they want to make a move, so be it. If you can remain fearless and hold faith that good has the upper hand, you will win. If you fold out of fear, you lose.

One deep state member admitted that they have been reducing bad karma by manipulating people to volunteer to do stuff they don’t want to do but all the little bit of bad karma has become like a flammable gas that is now surrounding them and it’s extremely combustible at this point. This means they know that, even though they reduced bad karma, they made so much of it, that it’s about to BTFO their entire operation.

I’ll give a quick example. They rigged many convenient stores to sell mostly unhealthy food but they did but a small bit of healthy food to not violate free will. You have to dig for it but this reduces bad karma by not making the store entirely bad food. Then when you pick up the donut and eat it, you did so on your own free will.

The bottom line is that, when you are wanting to do good over evil, choose good even when the deep state threatens you. Hold strong no matter what the threats are. You will usually make it out without anything happening to you but if you fold, the deep state wins and you usually lose something like money or freedom.

All this is related to the way God programmed the universe experience and is represented by the Biblical verse “reap what you sow”.

Now it’s much easier to defy the Commies because you know how to use the rules of the game to beat the game.