SPION: Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticle drug delivery https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/ SPION was coined by Paracelsus “Equal to Celsus” a Swabian Gnostic alchemist, toxicologist named after the Greek Gnostic Celsus, an opponent of early Christian follows of JESUS. SPION means “Spy, Watch Stealthily, Telltale; eg Espionage” British Spy “007” had a “License to Kill”; an example is .007 is 1/137 the Fine Structure Constant in Physics and odds an atom will absorb a photon; Opsins “Light activated Ion channels” are not only SPIONS but an anagram of SPION used in Optogenetics to light activate drug delivery in cells. SPION’s are the 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:7; Hematin is the 77 atom oxygen carrying molecule in Red Blood Cells which have an affinity for SPIONS; 5G @60 GHz disrupts RBC’s from carrying Oxygen resulting in targetable and instant death. Coronavirus mRNA Vaccines program cells to produce SARS COv-2 Spike Protein Antigens; the immune system responds by producing Antibodies which have an affinity to SPION containing Iron-Oxide; the body becomes magnetically observable (eg ESPIONage) with an On-Off death switch.
SPION: Super-Paramagnetic Iron-Oxide Nanoparticle drug delivery https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24715289/ SPION was coined by Paracelsus “Equal to Celsus” a Swabian Gnostic alchemist, toxicologist named after the Greek Gnostic Celsus, an opponent of early Christian follows of JESUS. SPION means “Spy, Watch Stealthily, Telltale; eg Espionage” British Spy “007” had a “License to Kill”; an example is .007 is 1/137 the Fine Structure Constant in Physics and odds an atom will absorb a photon; Opsins “Light activated Ion channels” are not only SPIONS but an anagram of SPION used in Optogenetics to light activate drug delivery in cells. SPION’s are the 4th Beast of Iron in Dan 7:7; Hematin is the 77 atom oxygen carrying molecule in Red Blood Cells which have an affinity for SPIONS; 5G @60 GHz disrupts RBC’s from carrying Oxygen resulting in targetable and instant death. Coronavirus mRNA Vaccines program cells to produce SARS COv-2 Spike Protein Antigens; the immune system responds by producing Antibodies which have an affinity to SPION containing Iron-Oxide; the body becomes magnetically observable (eg ESPIONage) with an On-Off death switch.