IRS Tyranny back thanks to the Democrats
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BBB had 81 BILLION for the IRS--so they are trying another way to harass the American taxpayer.
You don't need 87,000 new agents to go after 614 billionaires not "paying their fair share". I wonder who they plan on shaking down.
The middle class of course
They're broke so now they want to break us. It's time to let them know who 'they' work for.
This would be the time for our farmers to bury every IRS office in ten feet of manure. Do it during the wok day and fill the parking lot as well. That will surely make people think twice about working for the IRS.
My gut says this is specifically tied to the digital currency they plan to implement. These agents will probably find a way to categorize everyone who doesn't get on board. Possibly seizing all our assets who won't get the vax/mark. The digital infrastructure is tied to this nanotech in the gene therapy poison. Just my perspective on such a large operation of IRS agents.
How about the states start to wrangle in these unconstitutional taxes. Make it so the states collect ALL direct taxes. If several states told people they no longer had to pay income tax to the fed but instead, the state would collect and give to the fed, I think enough people would do it to create the situation necessary to end direct and unrepresented taxation.