"God’s true church is not contaminated with the defiling pollutions of Mystery Babylon. There is a little flock, there is a body of Christ, its members are scattered abroad and almost invisible to the great religious Babylon. They are seven thousand who have not bowed the knee to Baal, and they are the called and chosen and faithful who follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth. They are those who have turned to God in the spirit from all the religious idols, to serve the living and true God, and to wait for the glory that shall yet be revealed when God’s sons come into their own. They are those who have not the form, but the power of godliness, those who keep themselves unspotted from the world, and overcome all things by faith. Its ministers are not robed in material robes of scarlet and gold; they are robed in the righteousness of Christ. They are not trained in the seminaries and teachings of men, but by the spirit of grace and wisdom and revelation from God on High. They are not busy interpreting the creeds of the church councils of man; their very lives are the interpretation of the Christ enthroned in their hearts. They have no interest in persuading people to believe what they believe; their whole ministry is to bring people into intimacy of fellowship and vital union with God and His Christ."
Much more in the link:
"This is why God will judge, throw down, burn, and utterly destroy great Babylon; and this is why God is building up His holy city, the pure bride of Christ and the holy sons of God, New Jerusalem, to shine with His scintillating light of life to lighten all peoples and all nations, filling the whole earth with His glory!"
"New Jerusalem is the capital city of God’s kingdom, and will reign over that kingdom for ever and ever: Babylon is the capital city of the great kingdom of religious Babylon, which kingdom shall pass away."
"Babylon is founded upon seven mountains of shame. The true church is a woman crowned with twelve stars of divine and heavenly government:"
"the false church is also a woman, with her own name and shame written upon her forehead."
Actually, God has two kingdoms. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, in which the restored nation of Israel will reside, and the kingdom of God, which the New Jerusalem is the capital of. In the Jerusalem on Earth, there is an earthly Temple, which all nations will come to to worship. In the New Jerusalem, God is the temple.
Babylon is the antiChrist religious system. This system actually began when Cain slew Abel but adopted is common name from the Babylon ruled by Nimrod. This pagan worship system, the antithesis of God and his Christ, was passed on to ancient Greece and now manifest itself the roman catholic church. See the image in Daniel chapter 2, you don't have to guess at it. It tells you exactly who the fourth beast upon the Earth is if you would only study the Bible instead of mutilating it.
"In other words, GOD IS SUFFICIENT for this church He has birthed in the world of men! This church stands in need of nothing outside of God Himself! Because God is sufficient, because the Christ within is ALL, this church is left entirely free from all encumbrances to pursue the work God has given it of developing unto maturity the chosen ones so that the church may be the revelation of God’s manifold wisdom to all the principalities and powers in the celestial realms, and the hope of all creation for deliverance and restoration to the great and eternal kingdom of God! Let all who treasure the beautiful hope of sonship to God know that Christ within IS SUFFICIENT! All else is — Mystery Babylon!"
Notice how this dude doesn't want to tell you that mystery Babylon is a religious system that abuses God's Words for financial gain? Even though it couldn't be more obvious? Gee, I wonder why that is?
Revelation 18 KJV 12 The merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thyine wood, and all manner vessels of ivory, and all manner vessels of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, 13 And cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beasts, and sheep, and horses, and chariots, and slaves, and souls of men.
This is exactly why you are never told that mystery Babylon is a religious system. It's either America or a vision from some acid trip. The priestly class has too much to lose, if you were to ever clue in to their reality. America traffics in the souls of men? Have you ever thought about how big the vault under the Vatican must be to hold all that gold and treasures from our list?
"George Hawtin expressed this same significant truth when he wrote, "For over twenty years I have earnestly sought to show God’s people that the modern church system, whether Protestant or Catholic, which daily becomes more closely allied with the world, the flesh and the devil, is MYSTERY BABYLON. She is drunken with the blood of the saints. She saps and sucks their life away. While she grows richer in silver and gold, plush seats and lavish buildings, she robs the saints of their progress with God."
What are his teachings on Jacob?
Here's another from my search, you can search it yourself for more :)
Godfire is an appropriate name for what your playing with
Yup, our God is a consuming fire! It's a study the church needs, there is so much fear taught from Babel, the benefit of the fire of God needs teaching. I'm not a teacher, but I can tell you when I read a good teaching.
Ephesians 4:11 God gave teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints,
Try giving a listen to the teachers God has given you. 40 years Andy, and this is a great teaching on Revelation. It goes against your doctrine, so you refuse to listen, but I do enjoy your sectarian input, it contrasts so people can make a choice on which interpretation is better, a spiritual or a carnal.
Thanks but my teacher is the Holy Spirit, and his alarms are going off.
Here is one I google "Preston Eby Jacob"
It is a common mistake to think of these as the natural, fleshly tribes of Israel, either of the Jews or the ten-tribed house of Israel. But the Revelation is a spiritual book and these are symbols!
How did I know?
These twelve spiritual character traits represent twelve steps in our experience of Christ by which we progressively put on the mind of Christ and grow up into His mature nature and character — the nature and character of sonship to God!
This is lunacy bro. Why is this interpretation only revealed to him? Why did God spend thousands of pages talking about his physical land covenant with the nation of Israel only to have one man reveal that it's really a 12 step rehabilitation program. Absolutely and totally insane private interpretation.
Jesus Christ was a real descendant of this real tribe, who died on a real cross for our real sins. Repent of this nonsense.
Revelation is a book of symbols every bit. Preston Eby knows the OT types used in the symbols, he was a Bible teacher for at least six decades, maybe more. You are looking at decades of work on Revelation, and no, he is not the only one who teaches it that way. Preston Eby has extensive knowledge on everything written about the book of Revelation, it was a passion of his, he grew and matured throughout his ministry just like all good teachers do. I wandered Babylon for 40 years myself and never did get this particular teaching on the topic. This interpretation of Revelation is a gift to the Body of Christ, I can attest to it, that is why I share it.
Calling Jacob and the 12 tribes a symbol is one of the most idiotic thing I ever heard in my life. You worship a crazy God who would write a whole entire book and then just throw the thing out the window and say it means something else entirely. I told you, you are playing off the emotions of the lazy and the uneducated, that never read their Bible and never bothered to learn anything, so you can turn a buck.
It's a very definition of mystery Babylon. Make the Bible a big mystery that only you can unlock.
"What Babylon requires is every ounce of life-force that you have!"
Your blood Andy, she wants your life blood, just a little deeper than money, but yes, money is included in the blood of the saints.
As long as I graciously give they won't kill me, I know how this works.
They have no interest in persuading people to believe what they believe; their whole ministry is to bring people into intimacy of fellowship and vital union with God and His Christ."
Don't you just love the pompous attitude of people that can't even properly interpret the Bible? Who doesn't even know the meaning of Jacob's troubles. Gee, who is this Jacob fellow? Which church did he belong to? What's this giant book that I always have to flip through to get to my New Testament? Study to showed thyself approved unless My Words don't rouse up your feelings? Awesome.
"And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration" (Rev. 17:6).
"The woman is said to be drunk from the blood of the saints and from the blood of the witnesses (martyrs) of Jesus. To be drunk means to be intoxicated, inebriated, besotted, overcome by something induced, giving a false sense of reality. At first impression one might get the idea that the woman is drinking this blood. This, however, is not the case! The "woman" is a figurative description. She is also called a "city." Thus the terms "drunk" and "blood" are also used metaphorically of the effect upon men who partake of the abominations of Babylon, being brought to a state of mental, emotional, and spiritual intoxication. Blood is used in the scriptures to signify LIFE, for "the life of the flesh is in the blood" (Lev. 17:11). To shed a man’s blood means to pour out his life. This is why the Lord Jesus said so emphatically, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink His blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life" (Jn. 6:53-54). Jesus did not die in my place, as the church systems teach; rather, He shed His blood, that is, He poured out His life in order to give it to us! That is the great mystery of the sacrifice of Jesus! So we are exhorted to "drink" the blood of Christ, which is a physical impossibility, since His blood was spilled at the foot of the cross. We drink His blood by PARTAKING OF HIS LIFE which He has made available to us because of Calvary."
"Knowing therefore that we are confronting symbols in all the scenes of John’s vision, we can see that the "blood of saints" and of "martyrs" are also symbols pointing to a reality. The "blood of martyrs" certainly indicates something beyond drinking the literal blood from physical martyrdom! Anyone can understand that. Can we not see that Babylon, its spirit together with the whole church system of man, is hungry for power. She thrives on the domination of human lives. She will absorb you into her system and will suck out of you every ounce of your life — your time, your money, your talent, your ability to think and act on your own, and to know God for yourself. She is drunk on the blood — the souls — the very lives of the saints! She exploits the blood of the saints. She takes God’s precious little children and enslaves them, causing them to labor and toil for her — for her grandiose plans, schemes, and programs to save the world."
"Later on John revealed that "in her was found the blood of the saints." In today’s terminology the statement could be framed thus, "In her was found the very life-blood of the saints." What Babylon requires is every ounce of life-force that you have!"
one might get the idea that the woman is drinking this blood. This, however, is not the case! The "woman" is a figurative description. She is also called a "city."
Anything but a religious system, we wouldn't want to be discovered would we?
God's wrath always starts at His own house.
"There was a time many years ago when we made the circuit, speaking for the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship and various organizations and movements within the Pentecostal and Charismatic realms. Our desire was pure — to share the present truth of sonship and the kingdom of God — to inspire and bless and challenge any and all possible to the deeper life of the Christ within. Here and there we found an elect few who had ears to hear, and hearts to understand, but for the most part it became evident that we were merely "spinning our wheels." Then, one day it dawned on me! Our word was not producing fruit in those places! Oh, they were delighted to have brother Eby come by and share his testimony, even minister a revelatory word, and perhaps prophesy over some people with the laying on of hands, momentarily satiating the intense craving in a few hearts for a richer diet of spiritual fare. But after I left, nothing changed! There was no fruit. There was no heightened vision, no maturing of life, no going on in God, no raising up of the kingdom of God within. These merely took the word we ministered, diluted it with their own shallow church program, and used it to further their own kingdom on a lower plane. Ah, they enjoyed drawing life from us so long as it didn’t require them to bear kingdom fruit!"
perhaps prophesy over some people with the laying on of hands,
Laying of hands is a charismatic fraud. Lying signs and wonders. Signs such as this were only present when the ministry was to the Jewish nation of Israel. If you are to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, it comes from hearing the word and believing it.
Our word was not producing fruit in those places!
I rest my case.
These merely took the word we ministered, diluted it with their own shallow church program, and used it to further their own kingdom on a lower plane.
Oh, so now we are going to admit that mystery Babylon is a religious system. Taking God's word and deluding it, er, I mean diluting it, doesn't that sound familiar? Instead of discovering the vast riches in the literal Word of God, we lead everybody off into some self created false Utopia. That doesn't even make any sense. How does space boy account for the flesh that survives the thousand Year Millennium? Does he even believe in the thousand year Reign?
"Joseph Salmon penned these anointed and penetrating words of deep spiritual insight:
"Know therefore, O man, whosoever you are that judges the whore by these carnal conceptions of her, that you are far deceived by her in her fleshly appearances to you. Thus while sons of men seek to behold this strumpet in her proper sphere and center, they deceive themselves by looking too fleshly and carnal upon her. Know first then O man! that THIS GREAT WHORE IS IN YOU. While you seek to behold her without you, while you behold her in other men, SHE IS IN THE MEANTIME ACTING IN A MYSTERY IN YOU. While you despised the appearance of her in other men, she has by guile caught you, and has stolen your heart from God…while you think you have nothing to do with her, SHE IS IN YOUR BOSOM; while you think she is far distant from you, this is done in a Mystery and you see it not. Truly, until such time as the Lord takes a soul up into Spirit, though the wisdom of flesh appear openly to him, though she shows her very forehead, yet he cannot discern her in her appearances. But now when God has caught the soul into Spirit, and carried him away in Spirit, then he sees the whore in her apparitions. He beholds Mystery in the forehead, or palpable workings of the whore; Mystery in all her specious pretenses: and notwithstanding all her shows of glory, yet he sees that she is in deed and in truth ‘Babylon the Great’: the great confused whore, which breeds all the confusion of spirit in a Christian; and all the commotion, disturbance and out-cries that are in the heart of man…all the disorder that many a time is in the soul; every hard thought of God; every despairing imagination; all the gnawing of conscience of the creature. So that (I say) he now sees her to be the great Babel, or confused whore, who is the Mother of Harlots and abominations of the earth"
"Men do not need religion. They need CHRIST."
Some men need bank accounts. And the filling them up by selling a false religion.
Playing off the emotions of the lazy and uneducated, the very people that you're supposed to care for with a ministry, shame on y'all.
While looking at the Babel outside of you, you fail to deal with the Babel in you. :)
I freely give of my time to teach, so that others may hear and believe.