posted ago by HumblePede ago by HumblePede +20 / -0

NOTE: I know I'm preaching to the choir here. But it's sometimes easy to get swept into the emotions of the moment and taken in by grifters and sleepers. If this gets even one fren to step back and remain discerning when evaluating friend vs. foe, then it's worth posting.

STEP 1: Shine a bright light.

Yesterday's FBI raid on President Trump's private residence has perhaps done more to expose the machinations of the deep state than any other transgression to date. It has rattled otherwise unaware citizens to the point of awakening.

STEP 2: Watch the cockroaches scatter.

As the blowback intensifies, many RINOs and deep state operatives see the writing on the wall. Suddenly we are seeing traitors to our country speaking out against this latest happening, most likely in the hopes of painting themselves in a better light (eg Mike Pence, Andrew Cuomo, Andrew Yang, et al).

STEP 3: Rid ourselves of the infestation.

Do not be fooled! Look at the totality of each person's ACTIONS and words. What do they actually do? How does that differ from what they say? Who are they beholden to? Who funds them? How do they benefit if Trump falls? What consequences do they suffer if he succeeds? Use these litmus tests to determine who needs to be thrown out of office & who needs to answer with the most severe legal penalties possible.


We are seeing turncoats scatter like cockroaches in order to avoid the bright light of exposure. Do not fall for their flowery words, grand gestures, or political theater! Their allegiances have not changed. They are simply hiding in the cracks until they can emerge safely again.