X22Report asks the unthinkable: Will the Deep State assassinate Trump? Is that all they have left?
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I believe that Trump has divine protection.
Yikes. Super close to idolatry. No thanks.
No idolatry whatever. Many, many people have experienced divine protection.
Mike Lindell comes to mind.
Exactly , I have Devine protection and Devine intervention when needed ,, so do you and every blood bought child of the most high God , Every believer has the fathers hand of protection over their lives! He's as close as the mention of His name JESUS ,,, there is protection in the name of Jesus and also legions of Angel's who protect the heirs of salvation ! That's Devine Protection ,, POTUS has it as do we ,, that is not idolatry , it's the word of God and His promise to all of us ,,, now I'm not saying that some people , POTUS , at different times may need a bigger heavenly host of Angels , but no mattter he is covered , insulated and has Devine protection ,,, I said all that yo say ,,, you're right lol