posted ago by CMAnon ago by CMAnon +22 / -0

There's an old saying "time heals all wounds" and oftentimes it's very true. There's also another saying "justice delayed is justice denied". Put them both together and the result is our nightmare scenario. Let enough time pass, let enough other things happen that diminishes the perceived severity of the crimes thus delaying justice with the end result that justice is denied.

This is what insulates the DS. Think of Hillary Clinton testifying in front of Congress and her often quoted remark..."what difference at this point does it make?" This inability, either purposeful or not, to apply justice quickly and equally is a main driver in the 2 tiered system of justice we suffer under today. Her comments are a perfect illustration of how they get away with their crimes.

The American public can only absorb so much information at a time before we either walk away or our heads explode. How many times has Clinton been involved with nefarious activities that were never prosecuted? From crimes related to the Clinton Foundation swindling money from Haiti relief funds and the involvement with Laura Silsby caught taking kids out of that country, to Benghazi, to Servergate. The list seems endless yet she was never investigated nor tried. Did time heal those wounds? She acts like it has. Did the public simply walk away due to sensory overload? Sure seems like it.

As we watch the wheels of justice, waiting for them to turn even a tiny little bit for Clinton and the deep state, it's hard to miss the speed at which it turns for some. In Clinton's case we know crimes were committed and can point to them. Peter Schweizer even wrote a book about them in Clinton Cash, but there isn't even an investigation, let alone a prosecution. But in Trump's case the Justice Dept works overtime in tandem with the Dems making up crimes that were never committed, willing to prosecute him for littering if a piece of dust is brushed from his suit. Then we, the American public, sit dumfounded as AG Garland espouses that he applies the law equally without fear or favor. A bigger lie has never been spoken in public except perhaps Bill Clinton's "I never had sexual relations with that woman".

The American public has been wondering for far too long if justice will ever come for those who truly deserve it? The Justice Dept. has plenty of time and man power to chase shadows and investigate minutiae. Will they ever get around to investigating real crime? The only consolation is knowing that Garland's nomination to SOOTUS was tabled. If the raid on Mar-a-Lago is an example of what he considers justice applied equally then at least we dodged an even bigger bullet from this crusader for the law.