Its says FROGS...makes one think
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Well the way people talk about Q like he's a prophet. The prophet has been fruitful as well. Funny how the prophet didn't warn anyone about the jab or offer hope of a solution or cure. Something I've noticed is all of the lightening strikes on very specific monuments or areas. God's word says that the false prophet would cause fire to come from heaven in the sight of men. Just some food for thought.
And yet many who followed Q knew the vaccines were garbage despite Operation Warp Speed and Trump pushing them. As for fire coming down from heaven, have you ever seen a Space X rocket return to Earth?
Space X rocket is a modernized Zeppelin. The rocket propels it high into the atmosphere where is ejects panels and inflates. These Zeppelins are used as military platforms and is designed to fly for a year sometimes longer. They have radar, telescopic equipment, as well as particle beams, just to name a few. For what I understand, it is very spacious.