If you're still #unvaccinated out there, remember that you resisted $1,000,000,000,000 worth of global advertising. That's you being a BADASS right there! 😉
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆

My husband thanked me the other day for not letting him get the clot shot.
I told my wife I didn't think she should get it but it was ultimately her choice.
She chose to take the advice of her doctors and buckled to the pressure her mother was putting on her, and now regrets that decision.
She got the first two shots and is refusing boosters.
I'm trying to make the best of each day I have with her at this point. Worrying about the "what ifs" does no good for either of us.
She was already no longer able to have kids so that wasn't a consideration in her decision.
I definitely would have given an ultimatum ("We won't be making kids if you get vaccinated") if that wasn't the case.