This is a poll thread. You will not be able to reply.
Upvote the comment(s) containing what you believe should be the highest priorities of Patritos and Anons in the mission of advancing the Great Awakening and the Restoration of Freedom?
Downvote the comment(s) containing what you believe should be the lowest priorities in the mission of advancing the Great Awakening and the Restoration of Freedom?
If you think of a priority that is not listed that you believe should be included, please send me a direct message and I will consider updating the poll!
If you would like to discuss the results of this poll, please use u/bubble_bursts' General Chat thread.
Local Action > National Impact — Engaging in local community building, i.e. challenging corruption in schools, and their boards.
Engaging in self care, and home preparation (food necessities, finances, etc.) for the weathering of The Storm and possible societal chaos when the NWO and Central Banking system collapses.
Engaging in the governance process by working in the election systems to prevent corruption and fraud (i.e., being a poll worker).
Engaging in online open source intelligence research and posting of information.
Engaging in memesmithing, and the sharing of viral memes to counter the Deep State propaganda apparatus.
Engaging with Normies online to spread info and possibly help in their red-pilling.