Comments (6)
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There are a lot of things, both large and small, that I disagree with him on. But he has some excellent and valid points you don't hear anywhere else. Actually found him while looking for Matrix IV reviews, and watched several of his looonngg videos, including New Age Bullshxt Revisited and Fake-A$$ Christians I & II, all recommended.
...those sound like great additions to Unleashed....
...please find us some links and message them to me and we will get them on Unleashed.....
Sorry, don't know how to message you. Only able to get so much technologically advanced. :)
I loved Mark's Matrix decode, watched IV and then his shorter one of I-III, and decided to move on to some of his other stuff. The ones I thought were most interesting/illuminating are listed below. Others ones are also interesting, others are boring and repetitive. Since they're all so long, viewers might appreciate an opinion on the most worthy of their time.
Highly unusual perspective. Claims to be a "true" and esoteric Christian, and, as an intellectually curious Christian, I can appreciate much of what he says. He goes extremely hard against any LEOs and military (one of the points I don't agree with), and advocates for pretty much (except for following Natural Law) total anarchy. Although he is insistent about the validity and eternal nature of Natural Law, I still haven't heard him explain, either through other sources or his own logical process, why it is so. Personally, I don't think his total anarchy will work until we're in a perfect world, but he still has a lot of valuable things to say, particularly regarding Christianity and the New Age movement. Worth a listen for the open-minded who don't mind being branded "heretical" or "Gnostic." He brings up a lot of points main-stream Christians should be bringing up themselves, and is hysterically accurate about the New Agers. He also clings to the Occult (light, not dark), where he explains his position sufficiently and satisfactorily, IMO.
Matrix IV decode
Fake-A$$ Christians, Pts. I & II
New Age Bullshxt Revisited
Christians who are super open-minded and looking for another interpretation of the Scriptures should check out Israel Anderson. He recommends everyone start with his video "Two Gardens and a Snake" But I found "Humanity: Evidence of Our Origins": particularly fascinating, and "Yeshua and Pilate" very worthwhile. This guy goes by the Scripture and believes whole-heartedly in Jesus, even while incorporating mythological sources and claiming to be an ex-Christian. Bingeing on him currently. Can't believe how much I have learned, or at least considered, regarding my own faith by listening to these people outside the mainstream.
Can also highly recommend the Good God channel, particularly his Hell and Revelation playlist.
It's been an enlightening few weeks!
...the problem with comment links and comments in general, is I get so many daily that I lose them in the chaos....
Sorry! The deed is already done!
For a short intro to Israel Anderson, watch this one, and see if you care to watch more.
I recently had an image form in my mind... not a vision or a revelation, just an image. Like we are all surrounded by a thick, nearly impenetrable fog. A fog with bright and shiny crystals, dull and minuscule particles, and everything in between. We all go out and take hold of the ones that grab our attention, and put them safely into lidded jars. Kind of like collecting fireflies. At the end, we each hold up our jars and say, "Look! I've found the truth!" Some end up with a jar of shiny but worthless particles, some with shiny and valuable particles, and some a combination of obscure but telling (or deceiving) particles. But, we all tend to collect ones similar to those we have delighted in in the past, and pretend the others either don't exist or are worthless. We all have just the tiniest fraction of the truth, and are all perfectly, absolutely capable of creating the narrative we wish to create by the particles we choose to collect. Some sit still and watch, and occasionally get just the most fleeting and partial revelation of the truth as the fog briefly parts. And then go back to collecting our favorite particles.
This collection of particles that makes us believe we are "right" applies to the news, science, history, evolution, the Bible, health, or any other aspect of life and knowledge. But we are all busy collecting self-selected particles. Be open. Keep learning. We can get closer to the truth. Wisdom is in the process, and in realizing how little of the truth we actually possess.
Wisdom entails the willingness to change the type of particles we collect based on the fleeting glimpse of reality we have seen through the fog. Actually, to collect as many of them as we can.