That's how mother-in-laws work too. "I like blue." "Well what's wrong with red?" That's exactly how it was.
Thankfully, I don't have friends like that on FB. I say what I want, and if someone has a problem with it, I just remove them from my page so I never see them again.
Lmaoooo. Yup. I can hear them now claiming this meme is bigoted and oppressive towards the LGBTQMNOP community.
That's how mother-in-laws work too. "I like blue." "Well what's wrong with red?" That's exactly how it was.
Thankfully, I don't have friends like that on FB. I say what I want, and if someone has a problem with it, I just remove them from my page so I never see them again.
Except they say "shook". Yes, I can be a grammar nazi on occasion lol