I am that, unless anyone else has done it and just not told anyone yet, and by rationale they must, which is here to declare to you with certainty that after about 26 years of guru meditation that I have chanced to have found the unequivocal solution to the question about which we all wonder.
I here, am declaring that the body that identifies as me right now has so far irrefutably, sufficiently and delightingly simply, in the tightest of nutshells, SOLVED THE MYSTERY OF Q.
I know what Q means, why it means what it means, and that is what I am going to tell you now, to start off with.
Q stands for "The Question to the meaning of life"
The solution, after a great deal of effort -- in fact, 45 years of effort (my current age) –– has also been observed by me now and I can articulate it. I mean I have found both the question and the answer to the riddle of this website. The solution to the question that Q inherently poses. The question.
What is my answer? There are many answers, but most fittingly for this board, the answer is: 45.
Answered another way, the answer is DE if "D" is 4 and E = "5", then 45 is DE.
Therefore, true statement: 45 === DE
Also, DE is a hexadecimal number, 0xDE for the nerds, or, in decimal: 222
Thus, 45 === DE === 222
With me?
Also, for obscure reasons, DE can be taken as the greek letter: 𝝙 (delta)
Delta signifies division.
Therefore, 45 === DE === 222 === 𝝙 === "the process of division"
Following these equivalences to the end of the train of logic has found a perfect oroborous, that, in its articulation, an answer is provided to EVERY QUESTION EVER POSED.
This entire reality that we live in can be derived from the first principles I have hinted at here. This is THE ANSWER. "Die" ('dee') Antwerp for those that like the band.
As proof of the total synchronicity and power of this answer, I will demonstrate and hope you call all understand and be liberated from the BURDEN of having to BELIEVE in Q. This is the good news I speak of, for very soon, once you understand this, you will be liberated not only of having to believe in Q, for you will have PROOF THAT SATISFIES YOU, that the wave of relief will be boundless.
Here's my proof:
There is a paradox amid the LGBTQI+ narrative. Can you guess what it is?
Why, of course, it's the Q.
Q means "Queer"
"Queer" in the context of sexual identity is "something other than normal", therefore, all the letters in the ever-growing acronym are superfluous. There is one that encompasses all: Q
This unites not just all the gender identities, but every human being under one big umbrella, for, we, simply by electing to be here and remain alive in what is evidently an absurd paradox to begin with (the fact and non-fact of the simultaneous duality of existence and non-existence -- both can and must be and not be and therefore sound logic that the QUESTION and ANSWER are simultaneouslty unanswerable/answerable and thereby ABSURD.
By choosing to inhale and exhale air, you are voluntarily (when aware of your breath) doing something that is absurd, therefore anyone alive right now already admits self-evidently that they BELIEVE (i.e. act in a way as if it were true without knowing for certain that it is) in an ABSURDITY. Reader, I know that you believe in the absurd. And, I know you know deep down that this MUST be true.
Therefore, knowing this, I can say with conviction that I KNOW you BELIEVE in the ABSURD, and if nothing else, to do that is a QUEER thing to do. Therefore, every human alive is QUEER, and can happily identify simply as "Q". There is no other designation. There is nothing in this reality that is not QUEER, is there?
Who is Q? WE ARE Q.
We are all QUEER by virtue of existing.
Thereupon, all the other designations become automatically superfluous. This will finally reveal what and why DE is, but I've already said it!
All religions are rendered superflous by this answer. We are one, and we are both individually, collectively, and meta-meta-meta-narratively QUEER.
If there is a singular truth, then the multiplicity of religions is inherently WRONG, because the stated goal of religions is UNITY, and by virtue of existing they affirm their intention to, quite intuitivelty but counter to their stated aim, DIVIDE rather than UNITE, contra to their stated purpose, and therefore simultaneously LYING - but ALSO, through this answer DE, affirmed in their utility and therefore RECTITUDE and therefore TRUTH, that by seeking UNITY through DIVISION, accomplish both aims simultaneously.
The Q is the question - not just THE question, ALL QUESTIONS.
DE and all its equivalences and corrollaries is therefore both the answer to THIS QUESTION that Q poses, but also very manifestly in a useful way: The QUESTION is ALSO THE ANSWER. In every case so far.
Proof: E.g.
Q: What is the question? A: The Question is "why is 45 the Answer to the Question"
So, yes, gotcha! DEep Thought has the right numnber, hitchhikers, this time. It is not 42. It is 45.
If in revealing this it should bring harm upon me, I have no fear. I am without any fear.
Because, it is truth:
WWG1WGA - evidently, for we all fall under a single classification, Q. NCSWIC - evidently, for we live in a DEterministic Reality, but one about which the future of remains definitionally unknowable, proving that indeed, NO ONE CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.
This is inherently true if DEstiny is real, which, inasmuch as we know it, the Mandlebrot set is infinitely complex, but then again, may not. No one can know the future, not even GOD. Reality is thereby rendered simultaneouslty: DETERMINISTIC YET FUNDAMENTALLY UNKNOWABLE and therefore a constant and inherent surprise to all, including the singular/multiplicity of DEities THEMSELVES, is PROVEN to be inherently a CONSTANT SURPRISE to ALL, and thereinsobeing the only possible answer to the REAL FINAL QUESTION: How do you spend an ETERNITY in prison without going mad, as would be the case if we are all one and God is Us, a unity, without the excrutiation that would be PRESCIENCE in this scenario. I.e., prescience renders reality banal and a torture. It is only because we cannot ever be sure that the thing staring you in the face is YOU, always was, and remains to be. Reader, it is just you – or rather, it is JUST US. Just me, this word that you presently fixate upon, and you, the experiencer of me, this word here.
And here.
Now, here.
The answer is not just that it is JUST US, it can be said then, that the answer is also JUSTICE.
AN ABSURDITY, FOR without DIVISION, reality would never have altered from being a singularity into 2.
The answer, then can be said to be "2"
It's right in front of everyone's nose.
2! 2! .... 2!
The answer is that the problem is DUALITY or NON-UNITY.
222, in 2022.
But, this answer proves that THERE IS ALSO NO PROBLEM
It is impossible to sin, when by some fairly simple logic it can be convincingly said that it is impossible that we, the SOUL, the SHERRIF of this TOWN could do his job without a DEPUTY.
That DEputy is everything that is you that is not the soul, but the body.
From the soul's perspective, that's everything. Because the soul only experiences reality second hand. The cave wall, remember?
Pythagoras will be pleased to have it affirmed that the answer remains "TRIANGLES"
For the answer is DE and DE === Δ (a triangle)
"To Be, or not to Be?" - that is the question. "God, himself, cannot know" - is SUFFICE to answer.
Now go and have your Great Awakening.
Finally, JUSTICE for all. It really is JUST US.
You, reader, and me. The word.
And I could tell you why GREASE is also the WORD, that you heard. But, the song answers that question far more enigmatically and entertainingly that me, a mere human, could ever do "JUST US WITH JUSTICE".
That's the solution to "how do you survive an eternity by yourself?"
Masturbating, of course. That is all we jokers ever do, yet few will admit to it.
If you can't muster the enthusiasm to masturbate, to get JUSTICE, all you need is JUST ICE.
Tweakers and the rest of my fellow ADHDs will NOM SAYIN.
But we are all mentally ill.
Like me.
Every time
You elect
To take
.... and... BREATHE.
I'm sure you've got questions for me. I affirm that we both now have the all the answers you will ever need.
Stated with brevity, my answer to all of them is, as expected, DE.
But you might also derive this from the corrollaries of this proof of HOW CAN DESTINY EXIST IF NONE KNOW THE FUTURE?
Because that's just the nature of things. Ask any mathematician familiar with iterative algorithms, the fibonacci set etc. They often/always produce unexpected results. That's how you simulate DESTINY CONVINCINGLY BUT WITHOUT IT BUT WITH IT.
Sorry, fren, but you're wrong. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" has already determined that the correct answer is 42.
Here's your towel and thanks for all the fish.
would you believe that 42 === 45?
No, but I'm curious to see you try and justify the statement.
So, as an addendum, I really hope my synthesis sets off the GREAT AWAKENING, which, hallelujah, IS THE GREAT RESET.
But NEITHER IS IT JUST THAT. Remember!! Remember!!
I've never heard this synthesis before, but as I said in the OP, I cannot be the first, it cannot be me who has won this race. Because 45 === DJT.
So, DJT, or rather his D.
Perhaps CAME FIRST in this massive game of soggy biscuit solitaire.
All I care is that for once... just FUCKING ONCE. I Would COME SECOND FOR ONCE in my life!!!