“Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah…hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof. And He came and took the book out of the right hand of Him that sat upon the throne” (Rev. 5:5,7).
"The fifth chapter of the book of Revelation represents a scene in heaven — the realm of Spirit. A book is held in the right hand of Him who sits upon the throne of Omnipotence. The scene is purely symbolic and spiritual! God is omnipresent spirit. God never sat on a throne. He never held a book in His right hand. The One on the throne did not have an image. Even though He did not have a physical figure, John could see Him in and by the Spirit! And in and by the same Spirit John could see a book in the right hand of Him that sat on the throne. The book is the symbol of the revelation of Himself in and through a people!"
"Multitudes of Christian ministers today are ministering from the lowlands of religious traditions and carnal church creeds and programs. God’s elect has a higher calling in God! Only as we ascend into the heavens of God’s Spirit and minister unto the Lord and for the Lord from the realm of His greater, spiritual presence in the most holy place of His throneship, shall the blessings and benefits of His heavenly kingdom continue to change us and the world. Since heaven’s greatest desire is that the sons of God be manifested, let us understand that we are the book in the Father’s right hand and we must be “taken” by Jesus Christ the Lord; He must rip off the seals from that book which we are so that there shall be a revelation of the life of God that is written within! Father has raised us up into a unique place in this spiritual temple of the body of His sons. Our hearts cannot settle for anything less, for we yearn and long and pray and seek His will to be done in earth as it is in heaven. Nothing else will satisfy! Those who are called to sonship are experientially ascending in the spirit to the high places in God. They are recognizing and taking their rightful place on the throne of the Lord, by the Spirit, where they shall reign with Christ. Today we are living in momentous times. Christ is opening the seals of that book which we are to bring forth the revelation of Jesus Christ in us!"
Much more in the link!:
"There is a cry deep within the heart of every son of God, “Oh God, unveil my mind, unveil my eyes, unveil yourself, unveil your nature, unveil your glory, unveil the mysteries of your kingdom, unveil your power, unveil the book of your life within us! Take the cover off, that men may see Christ in all His beauty!” If any who reads these lines has never prayed like that you should begin to pray like that for the time of the unveiling is come."
"The importance and magnitude of this unveiling is first seen in Jesus Christ. At the dawn of history man knew God and knew his own identity as a son of God. The grandest of all truths is that CHRIST IS THE IMAGE OF GOD. If you want to know what God had in mind when He said, “Let us make man in our image, and after our likeness,” you have only to look at Jesus Christ. That is what God meant!"
"Stand with me for a moment with bowed head and reverent heart while we consider the greatness of this Christ within! We have an inheritance in God and it is all God is and all God has. He has come into us to be all that the Son of God is! The outer man of flesh that restricts, restrains, bridles, hinders, obstructs and prevents the outflow of Christ in the fullness of His glory must now be removed. Christ in us shall be unveiled! There are seven seals upon the book of Christ within us. The release of this reality, glory, and power out of us — that is the manifestation of the sons of God! That is the breaking of the seals and the opening of the book! May God make it real to your heart and finish the work in all who read these lines. Amen!"