Guys, be for real. It's extra sagging skin that this plastic surgeon couldn't pull back behind the ear enough to laser cut and then surgically glue back. Remember old people and gravity?
Yeah, it's sagging-fleshy skin. Plus, his tight collar emphasizes the push of that gravity-fallen fleshy skin. Look at his turkey neck flesh. If he were wearing a turtleneck shirt that sagging flesh at the neck would push up to give him a double chin.
Guys, be for real. It's extra sagging skin that this plastic surgeon couldn't pull back behind the ear enough to laser cut and then surgically glue back. Remember old people and gravity?
Yeah, it's sagging-fleshy skin. Plus, his tight collar emphasizes the push of that gravity-fallen fleshy skin. Look at his turkey neck flesh. If he were wearing a turtleneck shirt that sagging flesh at the neck would push up to give him a double chin.
Hey Biden, it's time for more 'elective' surgery!
Yeah, maybe, but how does that explain that it extends into the ear? This is just weird.