"As the Father opens His Book of Life — which Book we are — He is actually sending forth the Spirit of His Word in a triumphant overflowing which will not cease until every valley has been filled and every hill has been made level, till our heavens and our earth have been purged from every stain of pollution and every heart beats in unison with the heart of God. This is CHRIST THE CONQUEROR!"
"In order for Christ to be fully revealed in us, these negative attributes of the carnal nature and human consciousness must be effectively dealt with. Before the One who has purchased us for the base of His operation can take full possession of His inheritance in us there must be the dispossession of all that hinders the expression of the spirit. Just as the children of Israel were commanded to utterly destroy the inhabitants of Canaan — those occupying the land belonging to another — so must the giants that possess our land be conquered and driven out! This, dear ones, IS THE MINISTRY OF THE FOUR HORSEMEN!"
Much more in the link:
"To be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life! The Lord is the Spirit! The Lord, the Spirit, dwells within us! To uncover the real Christ has nothing to do with Christ coming from heaven, or us going to heaven — He must be UNCOVERED WITHIN US! “But…it pleased God, who separated me from my mother’s womb (the old-order religious system), and called me by His grace, to reveal (unveil) His Son in me…” (Gal. 1:15-16)."
"Translated into spiritual language, the four horses and their riders present a picture of Christ riding out of our spirit into the earth which we are to make war with the flesh, the carnal mind, and the natural man! The four horsemen portray the warfare, calamities, destruction, and death visited upon man’s fleshly ways. These four horses are war horses of God — manifestations of Him “who is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war” (Rev. 19:11). They are sent into our personal earths to destroy every enemy of the rule of God within us. They destroy the usurper, the serpent of the carnal mind, the will of the flesh, the lusts of the flesh, the emotions of the flesh, the works of the flesh, and the religious pretense of the flesh. Simply speaking, these horsemen conquer and destroy everything that finds its strength and activity in the flesh!"