An old video of Don Jr. Interviewing president DJT came up on my feed recently. It's an interesting conversation where Jr. Asks Trump about aliens and area 51. Trump gives a look that just screams we have contact with an extraterrestrial force, or at least have some of their technology.
Don't let libtards fool you when they say aliens disprove the existence of God. There could be many different life forms that God created in the universe.
I don’t think it really matters. My wife and I joke that we are aliens. Trust in God, believe in yourself, treat everyone with respect, and defend your rights with everything you have. By the way don’t post stuff like this without a link to the video you’re referring to. It’s a little glowie
I think the nimble navigators here know how to do research and look up a video of they want to see it. But thanks for adding to the conversation I guess.
It is not too much to ask for what you’re referring to in this post. Not sure why you would respond like this?