"If I did not believe in the ultimate triumph of the kingdom of God in all realms and everywhere and over everything throughout the vastnesses of infinity, and if I believed that this world was to continue to be misruled and misgoverned as it is; if I believed that sin and sorrow and death and wicked men and vile institutions were to continue unto the end, I should despair of humanity and God, and I should certainly tear I Corinthians 15:20-28 out of my Bible and burn it on the trash heap. But God never gives up! God reigns! The good news which our Lord Jesus the Christ came to preach is “good news of great joy to all people.” Praise God for the good news! Praise God that it is to all people! God reigns! — that is the good news. Neither the will of man nor the power of satan shall prevail. God shall be Victor! He shall put every enemy under His feet and under our feet! The horses are galloping and Christ is riding forth conquering and to conquer! Aren’t you glad!"
Much more in the link:
"My heart’s desire is that all who read these truths may be filled with the divine conviction that God our Father is preparing a people to share the manifest image of Christ and reign with Him in His kingdom. Herein is to be found the real meaning, yea, the vital difference between the ministry of the Rider on the white horse in chapter six and the Rider of the white horse in chapter nineteen. The Rider of the white horse in chapter six is a solitary Rider, crowned with a single victor’s crown, whereas the Rider on the white horse in chapter nineteen is crowned with many crowns and is accompanied by an immense and powerful army astride a host of horses out of the heavenlies. It should not be difficult for any to understand that the solitary Rider wearing the single crown is none other than the forerunner, our Lord Jesus Christ, in His singular victory over sin, death, and hell — riding forth as the glorious Captain of our salvation to extend that victory into the consciousness and experience of each member of His elect body, the sons of God. He must complete His conquest within our mind, heart, and life before we in Him can press the battle onward to creation!"
Rev 6:2 is not about Christ on a horse conquering. This is the beginning of God's judgement on the earth. The first seal is opened and on the white horse is a person with a bow who goes out to conquer and sets up a false peace, because the second seal is of a red horse who goes out takes peace from the earth and that people should kill one another. The third seal is famine, which almost always follows wars. The fourth seal is Death and Hades, and 1/4 of the world is killed with the sword, hunger, and beasts. Those seals deal with the judgement on the earth, then come the trumpet judgements, and then the bowl judgements, and THEN Christ returns and sets up His 1000 year Kingdom on the earth.
"Once I heard a preacher say that he believed Jesus would literally descend from heaven riding on a white horse. “Jesus Christ created the horse,” he declared, “and if He chooses to charge through the clouds on one, He certainly can.” Certainly He can! But I do not hesitate to add that lack of spiritual discernment is the greatest curse upon the Lord’s people today. People are so afraid that someone will “spiritualize” away something in the word of God, realizing not that they themselves are “carnalizing” away the spirit of the word, for, said Jesus, “the words that I speak unto you, they ARE SPIRIT, and they ARE LIFE” (Jn. 6:63). Of this we may be certain: we cannot think of these armies of heaven and the white horses they ride as a multitude of winged horses taken out of heavenly stables and riding down the skies to meet the massed forces of Antichrist on earth. The horses are as real as the blood-spattered robe of the risen Christ, as real as the winepress He treads, as real as the sword coming out of His mouth, as real as the letters imprinted on His thigh, as real as the birds which gorge themselves on human flesh, and as real as the brimstone in the lake of fire. All of this is real — SPIRITUALLY REAL! You see, my beloved, when we say that something is not literal we do not mean it is not real. We say that it is not natural, material, or tangible in the same form that John sees it in his vision. God is real, but He is not earthly or material. Spirit is real, but you cannot handle it. Love is real, but it is not something you can have a wheelbarrow full of. Peace is real, but you cannot cut it up and bottle it. All these wonderful scenes in the Revelation are symbolic and meant to be understood spiritually. The revelation is of spiritual action — the swift and powerful movement of God’s army of sons to establish by His Word and by His Spirit HIS victory and triumph over all things in the earth realm!"
40 years as a Christian, that veiw never did sit right with me. The interpretation I am sharing is a blessing to the body of Jesus Christ. :)