"The glory of the Lord will shine from within us when His work within us is finished, and the feet of the Lord’s army shall march radiantly and triumphantly throughout the whole earth in the power of His might. After speaking of how the body of Christ shall arise and shine in the fullness of the glory of the Lord, the prophet Isaiah declares, “The sons also of them that afflicted thee shall come bending unto thee; and all they that despised thee (Humanists, Communists, Islamists, Buddhists, Hindus, Church Systems, sinners of all sorts, etc., etc.) shall bow themselves down at the soles of thy feet; and they shall call thee, the city of the Lord, the Zion of the Holy One of Israel” (Isa. 60:14). Why should it be that the enemies of Christ will bow down at the soles of His feet? Because the feet company of the body of Christ shall have done their work well! They are putting Satan under them and are overcoming him, thus destroying his power and bringing deliverance to every captive. What a hope! What a vision! And what a responsibility is ours!"
Great link on topic:
Book of Revelation is about Jesus's return to earth and Judgment Day. Some have theorizied that Revelation is playing out now and His return is imminent. But he'll be bringing with him fire and brimstone - not happy rainbows.
As a new Christian thanks to TGA, why are we being shown that the world is being saved and Satan is being defeated? I'm very confused on this. Other than, Satan will slowly return over the next thousand years+ and Jesus will return then to cleanse the earth fully, thus fulfilling Revelation then?
Maybe Rapture theory is true, but all Christians I've spoken with IRL said they don't believe in it.
Any thoughts on this? I see OP is also active in c/Christianity but just not a lot of discussion over there
What is TGA?
I've been a Christian for 40 years, the book of Revelation has not been a major interest to me because I did not understand it. There is a prevalent way of interpreting the book, that I have heard many times, and don't find to be true. The series that I am sharing I like a lot, it is a spiritual interpretation rather than a literal interpretation. In the spiritual interpretation Jesus is coming back right now and working in your life right now. In the literal interpretation Jesus could be coming back at any moment to rapture the church.
I surely get that you are confused by the many many doctrines swirly around, the intent is not that you be confused. Sometimes I forget that newbies are reading, I share mostly to Christians who have experience with many doctrines................I do apologize for the assumption.
The series that I'm sharing is very long and in depth, I think a New Christian could benefit from taking it from the beginning. Here is the index:
I'd really like to know if this interests you or if it is too long so you won't read it. It really worked for me, but I've been a Christian for 40 years and longer if you include being raised in the church.
I've been posting this series for about a year now, if you look at my previous posts you'll see what I'm saying. Please feel free to bust in and ask questions in any of my posts.
I grew up on the rapture theory, I have rejected it. The author of the series will get into this as he progresses.
Please let me know what you think about going through the whole thing, I'd be interested in sharing with you as you go.......
TGA = The Great Awakening :)
No, your replies are straight up my alleyway. So much to unpack lol. Your replies are great, thanks for taking the time to respond.
I'm going to check out your link tomorrow and respond to your replies as well.
I'll just say this quick: your response is the second time I've heard of "the millennial reign of Christ". I watched a YT video on Tartaria and "timeline deception", which discussed millennial reign - that Revelation already occurred and Christ ruled for 1000 years already.
We already know the Cabal has been lying to humanity for a very, very long time - pretty much everything we know about the world today is fake, embellished, or a half truth.
I feel like the YT vid is onto something because its the only way I can fit The Great Awakening in with the Bible.
I'll respond more tomorrow once I have a chance to dig in.
A lot of Christians believe in what is called the millennial reign, it is basically a doctrine derived from Revelation. Funny thing is that I have not gotten that far in this study, LOL right.........but have a feeling it is a misinterpretation of 1000 years. 1000 years is a spiritual way of saying a long time...........It is not a literal 1000 years. There are many doctrines on Jesus return, most Christians believe in a second coming, which they consider the rapture, I do not, I believe Jesus has already returned and is in his people, He is in you, and he is in me. The author of the series teaches that Jesus, is the head of the body of Christ and He will set the creation free from the bondage of corruption through his body............feet on the ground, you and me. I like the spiritual interpretation better, it is a personal choice, let me know how you feel about it. The Gospel is Christ in you, that means you have the perfect teacher in you, you have the union with God through Christ in you, the Spirit will teach you as you put effort toward learning from God in Christ in you.
Hope I'm not boring you, I'm used to this stuff, if you're interested, it's not boring at all.
Revelation 19:12 His eyes were as a flame of fire,
"As John gazed upon this One, his attention was attracted to His eyes, which blaze like flames of fire. The spirit within was so aroused that it shone through His eyes! This description of God’s Christ is most illuminating. George Hawtin commented on this passage: “The eyes of the Son of God are completely different from all other eyes. The eyes of mankind and of every living creature are capable only of receiving light. Our eyes receive reflections and images of things that are without, but the eyes of the Lord not only receive reflections of things without, but are LAMPS OF FIRE, shedding abroad the light of God whithersoever they are turned. Every creature and everything upon which His eyes shall fall will receive the LIGHT OF GOD. "They looked upon Him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed’ (Ps. 34:5). Even in the hour of Christ’s greatest humiliation when Peter had denied his Lord, the Lord turned and looked upon him, and at that look the light of truth dawned upon this trembling and heartbroken man as he sat in his dismal despair and, being thus enlightened to the truth and to the knowledge of his guilt, he went out and wept bitterly in repentance and contrition."
"Oh, the eyes of the Lord! The eyes of holiness, the eyes of infinite discernment, the eyes of depthless love and burning desire for those whom He died to redeem and transform into His likeness! They descend into the depths of the spirit, the candle of the Lord, to search out and make known what is of soul and what is of spirit, of what is beneath the surface, any wicked way within a man, and flash and burn and refine and purify with their flame of sincerity, truth, and shadowless righteousness. The word of God is quick and powerful — living and active — sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and the marrow — the deepest part of man’s nature. And when the glorious Warrior Christ comes galloping into our land He comes with eyes that are shining lamps of heavenly fire, penetrating, illuminating mind and heart, revealing all that is there, bringing the divine judgment of truth, and His warfare destroying every selfish motive and every secret sin, consuming every vestige of the carnal mind, purifying the deepest intents of the heart, transforming and flooding the whole being with righteousness and purity and power!"
"My observation has been, and is, that those who are saying so much about how terrible things are in the world, and how the world is growing worse, are doing very little to make it better. Those who invest in the cause of HIS KINGDOM are those who believe in its final triumph! Do not sit with idle hands and complain that the world is going to hell in a hand basket! Rather, invest in prayer, invest in love toward all men, invest in righteousness, invest in faith, invest in spiritual understanding and maturity, invest in spiritual warfare, invest in the mighty work of the Spirit of God in His elect today until you can fulfill the word, “Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the nations shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising…then thou shalt see, and flow together, and thine heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea (the vast realm of sin and wickedness) shall be converted unto thee, and the forces of the nations shall come unto thee” (Isa. 60:1-3,5). What a word!"
"His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head were many crowns…” (Rev. 19:12).
"There is a strange but wonderful statement found in Revelation 4:11. It is the cry of the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders, a heart-cry from the very throne room of God and the Lamb. “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power…” The Lord is here declared to be worthy to RECEIVE POWER — as well as glory and honor. The question follows — How can the Lord, the Creator of all things, who inherently possesses all power, who is the almighty, the absolute sovereign of the universe, the omnipotent One — how, I ask, is it possible for such an One to RECEIVE POWER? What power could He be given that He does not already possess? The truth is, of course, that although our Lord is the supreme authority and power of the universe He has ceded to His creatures and to His servants and to His sons delegated authority, particular areas of His own authority and dominion turned over to them. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion…” (Gen. 1:26). “What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou visitest him? Thou has crowned him with glory and honor. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands…” (Ps. 8:4-6). "
So we see that God has given man during these past six millenniums the right to rule his own life and destiny as well as the whole earth and indeed all the works of His hands! Collectively, this rule of man constitutes the “kingdoms of men” or “the kingdoms of this world” (Rev. 11:15). During the past two thousand years the world has been influenced, controlled, and ruled first by Rome, and later by the ten kingdoms that have emerged from the Roman Empire as one after another has achieved almost universal military, economic, and political supremacy in the earth. This age is now ending and the whole world is today experiencing the birth pangs of a new age when the sons of God shall be manifested before all creation and the new age and the new order of the kingdom of God shall arise and consume and destroy “all these kingdoms.”
"The wrath of God is a figure of speech to denote God’s unchanging opposition to sin!"
"Yes, this wonderful work of the eyes of fire is not a vengeful, vindictive, implacable, humiliating, destructive work, but that of redeeming, transforming love! It cannot be stated better than it was by Rex Andrews when he wrote, “Your enjoyment of the book of Revelation will depend, to a considerable degree, on what you believe about that fire-flame of His eyes. Unless you can perceive that that FIRE is pure-unadulterated-love, the LOVE which GOD IS, you will likely miss some of the most vital things intended to be conveyed by the Revelation. If you consider the flaming fire, and the two-edged sword of His mouth, and the face which is as the sun shining in its strength, as being destructive, bent on killing, you will have missed about all there is of value. That FIRE of the eyes, and face shining as the sun, describe a Being-like-unto-man, whose spirit and soul and body are utterly invested, and completely possessed by, THE ETERNAL SPIRIT. And that ETERNAL SPIIRIT is declared to BE LOVE!”