"The apostle John gives us the answer: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM; AND WITHOUT HIM WAS NOT ANYTHING MADE THAT WAS MADE. IN HIM WAS LIFE; AND THE LIFE WAS THE LIGHT OF MEN.” Oh, yes! The “first cause” is said to be “the Word.” “And God said, Let there be…and there was.”
The link goes deep on logos:
"By the logos, the will, intent, inner power, reality, and revelation of His word God created. It was not merely a rhema, a spoken word; no, it was the inner kernel, the divine substance, the inward will, the purpose, yea, the very heart and nature of God that spoke all things into existence! It’s as though He spoke Himself into manifestation outside Himself! Ah, this solves the puzzle of the origin of sentient life able to be aware of its own existence and to explore the very mysteries and powers of creation, as well as the ability to know and fellowship and participate with the Creator! We are the offspring of God, a word out of The Word, and therefore we have mind and conscious being and spiritual identity, for we are an emanation of the One who brought us forth into being. Speech originates in thought, thought is consciousness, words are thought converted into sound, and creation is that sound converted into substance. Truly, we are created by the Word! Oh, the wonder of it!"
"There is a remarkable statement occurring in the record of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden: “And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden” (Gen. 3:8). The expression for God is rather unusual — “The voice of the Lord God.” Then, to add to the strangeness of the verse, it is stated that “the voice of the Lord God walked in the garden.” Now, it is very unusual to have a voice walking! It reminds us of the old play on words, “Did you ever see a board walk or did you ever see a horse fly?” However this statement is not so unusual when we discover that the One who is the Living Word of God identified Himself as the “alphabet of God.” He said, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end (of the alphabet)” (Rev. 21:6). Four times in the book of Revelation Christ so identifies Himself as the complete alphabet of God! No wonder John was able to say of the One riding the white horse of conquest, “…and His name is called The Word of God!” As you know, words are formed from the alphabet. Every word in human language is formed from the letters of the alphabet. The voice is the word made articulate. The alphabet is translated into a word, and the word is energized into a voice. Christ is thus the voice of the Lord God. Time after time throughout the Old Testament we read the prophets saying, “And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying…” They were hearing the Christ!"
"We also have the word logos used in I Peter 1:23, “Being born again by the Word of God…” As sons we are not born of the Son, we are born of the Word who became the Son."
"An abundance of scripture points to the fact that Christ, the Word, was before Bethlehem. He is just as real in the Old Testament as He is in the New Testament. The great difference, of course, is that in the New Testament He became flesh. “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” The Word did not become a philosophy, a theory, or a concept to be discussed, debated, or pondered, but a Person to be seen, heard, touched, handled, known, and experienced! “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” That’s how Eugene Peterson describes this event in The Message. Others have rendered it to say that Jesus “tented” among us. That’s what happened when Jesus came into the world, the Living Word of God moved into our neighborhood and set up camp!"
"How could He who was God become a man? Look again at this statement by the inspired apostle: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God…and the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth” (Jn. 1:1,14). It says, “In the beginning was the Word,” and it does not say, “In the beginning was Jesus,” because Jesus wasn’t in the beginning. It was not until the Word became flesh that He was Jesus. The Son of God is not the Word — the Son of God is “the Word made flesh.” The passage quoted above tells us that only after the Word became flesh did we behold the glory of the Son, the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. The truth is just this — In the beginning was the Word — and there was no Son of God until the Word became flesh. People talk about the “eternal” Son of God. The Bible speaks of no such thing. The Word is eternal, not the Son. Of the Son the Father says, “Thou art my Son, this day have I BEGOTTEN THEE.” Nowhere do we read that on a certain day the Word was begotten. No! The Word was “in the beginning.” But when the Word becomes flesh — then you have the Son! The Son is the Word, yes, but the Son is more than the Word — the Son is the Word in another form — made flesh! John speaks of the eternal Word of God and then shows how the Word became flesh. From that moment on he never speaks again of the Word, he calls Him Jesus. Isn’t that amazing? Before Bethlehem He was the Word, He was God; but when He came to Bethlehem and took upon Him flesh He became Jesus, the Son of God. This is precisely the message the angel gave to Mary that blessed day in Nazareth, “Behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest…” (Lk. 1:31-32)."