In Illinois, a state that want to be the baby killing capital of the midwest, there are political ads against the Bailey the Rep governor candidate saying he is too conservative for Illinois. If by a miracle Bailey wins, he won't be able to change the abortion law here since we are overrun with a Dummycrat Legislature. These idiots keep voting the same losers again and again and all of our taxes just keep going up and the laws passed put us in greater danger all the time. Talk about mass psychosis.
In Illinois, a state that want to be the baby killing capital of the midwest, there are political ads against the Bailey the Rep governor candidate saying he is too conservative for Illinois. If by a miracle Bailey wins, he won't be able to change the abortion law here since we are overrun with a Dummycrat Legislature. These idiots keep voting the same losers again and again and all of our taxes just keep going up and the laws passed put us in greater danger all the time. Talk about mass psychosis.
We need a Full System 1776 type of REBOOT !! If what I believe is coming happens, most of the Sheeples Eyes will be Slamming Wide Open !!!
Beautiful. I strongly dislike Dr. Phil. Good for Lila Grace Rose.❤
I can count on just 2 hands the people I trust. Lila Rose and James O'Keefe are two of them.