"Of the dragon, the ancient serpent, it is expressly said that he is Satan. And he was now bound by the angel for a thousand years. Let us place this picture before us vividly, for John says he saw it; we therefore can also form a living mental image of the same. Therefore, right before his eyes, while John was viewing the picture, the dragon, namely the devil, was actually being bound by the angel with the chain, so that he could neither stir nor move. This John sees! The fact that the dragon was bound a thousand years could naturally only be communicated to John as information revealed within himself by the Spirit; for the picture did not last a thousand years. I have experienced the same thing when the Lord has spoken to me in a dream or a vision and I simply knew or inherently understood something about the vision that was not communicated to me by anything I saw in the scenes shown me. If we ask — Was Satan actually being bound at the precise moment in which John saw this? Our answer is — No! For John was not being shown a one-time event to transpire in the spirit-realm, either past or future, but he was shown a great spiritual reality to be experienced in all of the Lord’s people as they walk in the spirit and grow up into Christ. It was just a symbolic picture of that. And the thing that matters concerning the picture, in so far as it is a revelation of God’s working within us, is not just the binding itself, but the binding for a thousand years! The deep mystery is that this reveals to us not only the fact of Satan being totally bound in the abyss of our earth, within our heart, but also the HOW of that binding!"
Much more in the link:
"Would just binding the devil make men holy?"
"Why, oh why can men not believe the simple, unvarnished word of God? Ah, we have God’s own word for it — His positive statement that He creates all things, including all the so-called evil things as well as the good things. "That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. I form the light, and create the darkness: I make peace, and create evil. I THE LORD DO ALL THESE THINGS" (Isa. 45:7). God creates evil…it cannot be! But here it is in the Word. What will you do with it, beloved? "We must explain it somehow," the fundamentalist says. "Surely it cannot mean that God actually creates evil, sin, sinners, and even devils — it must mean that He creates physical evils — famines, pestilences, hurricanes, tornadoes, forest fires, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, calamities, judgments, etc., which God sends upon mankind as punishment for their wickedness." Not so! The word here for "evil" is the Hebrew word ra which is used throughout the Old Testament to denote wickedness, sin, and wrongdoing. In some five hundred passages it is so used!"
"Now the serpent was more subtle that any beast of the field which THE LORD GOD HAD MADE" (Gen. 3:1)."
"In only a few words they teach us that God made the serpent, God made him with a beastly nature, God made him subtle and cunning, God made him the Devil and Satan, God made him a liar and a murderer from the beginning, and God placed him in the garden of Eden with Adam!"
"The binding of Satan is intensely personal and on-going."
"The "bottomless pit" in no way suggests to us that there is any fire or suffering or torment there, but signifies only the restrictions and restraints that are imposed upon the satanic activity."
"so long as we are walking in the new creation and as the new creation; so long as we are walking in the life of Christ within ourselves, we then have no trouble at all from the serpent, no problem whatsoever with the devil! All who have experienced wonderful seasons of refreshing from the presence of the Lord, when the glory of God literally floods our lives with billows of love, joy, power, blessing, and revelation know experientially that the allure of the world, the demands of the flesh, and the power of the devil are neutralized, controlled, subdued, overpowered, confined, fettered, restrained — bound — by the influence of the light and the life of the day of the Lord within!"
"If you want to see this angel that John saw you’re not going to see him with your natural eyes, you must see him as John saw him, in the spirit and by the spirit. An angel is a spiritual messenger and the vision stands for a message, a word, a living expression and manifestation of God’s Christ. This angel comes down from heaven, signifying that this word is not the word of man, for it comes down from above, out of the spirit of the Lord. There is a spiritual message and ministration from above coming down to affect our earth. This is the spiritual ministry of God’s Christ, Head and body, and this angel or ministry has a great chain in his hand. There is a ministry coming down from the heavens of the Spirit with so much truth, so much authority, so much power, that it literally binds the dragon! John saw this happening, and I know the reality of it, because it has happened in my own experience! Satan doesn’t hinder my life anymore. There is a manifestation and fullness of Christ that restrains and binds all the power of the wicked one! It means that the activities of lies, deception, accusation, religion, torment, sin, strife, sorrow, and death are bound in the earth realm of my life. And yet, I do not deceive myself, I cannot become complacent, presuming that the old dragon could not ever be let out of his prison. So I follow on that I may see the end of this dealing of God in my life to raise us up into the full resurrection power and glory of the Christ!"
"When we begin to see the good that comes from the assaults of Satan in our lives, and the result of our warfare with him, we are able to appreciate all the more the greatness of our God and the wisdom of His great mind!"
"If we would be SONS OF THE MOST HIGH we must be STRONG IN THE LORD AND IN THE POWER OF HIS MIGHT! Our Father wants us to be strong, so He has wisely given us sparring partners to wrestle with, so we will become strong! And when we have become strong enough WE WILL LAY HOLD ON THE STRONG MAN, BIND HIM, CAST HIM INTO THE PIT, AND SET A SEAL UPON HIM!"
"The truth concerning the binding of Satan is part of the gospel, the good news in Christ!"
"Believe it or not, there are more scripture passages about deceiving ourselves and our hearts deceiving us than there are about being deceived by the devil! Of course, the two are intricately connected. But the Spirit of the Lord is so wrapping the chain of divine truth and revelation and experience upon the hand of His called and chosen elect in this hour until they are now being empowered to "bind that devil" in the abyss of their own hearts so that even their own hearts can no longer deceive them!"
"Someone says, "But, brother Eby, this is not talking about God’s elect, it’s talking about the devil deceiving the nations." If you consider with reverent honesty the symbolisms of this book of Revelation you will soon discern that the truth runs deeper than the surface meaning. Actually, we find that Satan’s deception works in three realms described as "the nations," "the world," and "the earth." "That he should deceive the nations no more" (Rev. 20:3). "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world" (Rev. 12:9). "And he shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth" (Rev. 20:8). Those who read these lines must certainly see that the book of Revelation is sent to the church symbolized by the seven churches of Asia. Is not the church found in every nation under heaven? Is not the church found everywhere throughout the whole world? And is not the "earth realm" used symbolically of the carnal church systems of man? All who dwell not in the heavens of God’s Spirit are deceived."