German politician warns of something happening on the 24th, He said everyone will remember where they were at that time and day! I have a few of those memories, JFK assassination and the World Trade Center are two of them!
The "Critical Reception" details an oddly familiar outrage of celebrity and media personalities that we see today in reference to conservative indictment of communist or socialist attributes.
Read the plot section to that series it is from.
Reading it could be warning us of incoming EMP attack.
German politician warns of something happening on the 24th, He said everyone will remember where they were at that time and day! I have a few of those memories, JFK assassination and the World Trade Center are two of them!
The "Critical Reception" details an oddly familiar outrage of celebrity and media personalities that we see today in reference to conservative indictment of communist or socialist attributes.
Its allmost as if they were angry for exposibg the actual plan. UN and the commies were butt hurt , they called it right wing paranoia.