You need to update the one about Bill Gates telling Trump not to investigate vaccine side effects. This was in 2017 and he said it was about hiv and hpv vaccines.
Now down the rabbit hole, I’m not sure if it is the same rna tech they were using for both but might be worth looking into. By bills response though, “that would be a bad thing”, it sounds like they are all bad. Which we knew already.
Miow mix so glad you now realise the Iranian people are.. just like us ....
actually they are an extremely cultured race with a fantastic university and a heritage going back to second millennium BC The first persian empire founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BC.
The Persian religion Zoroaster
They developed the world's first postal system and established trade routes with Africa Asia and Europe. was a key influence on both Christianity and Judaism.
I feel particularly sorry for the women cultured and beautiful suddenly forbidden to go to university and had to cover themselves in black not allowed out without a male relative or to drive a car and were lashed for disobeying fanatic religious orders
Appeals to America for help were of course ignored as America and United Kingdom and the priests were responsible for the overthrowing of their democratically elected prime minister for the monarchical rule of Shah Moham mad Reza Pahlavi in 1953.
This colour revolution was done under code name operation Ajax
It could happen in a lot of countries especially when they have no means of self defence ..lockdowns have shown that.
The democratically appointed leader of Iran sought to audit the documents of the anglo-iranian oil company a British BP. He wanted to find out that they were paying the contracted royalties to Ian and limit their control over Iranian oil reserves. When they refused to do this then moves were made to nationalise oil industry and expel foreign nationals. When this was voted in Britain did a ww boycott of Iran's oil and then Churchill and Eisenhower decided to overthrow the government...the excuse that they feared a communist takeover when Britain and America ARE the Communists
It's now an Islamic Republic know where they chop off your hand if you steal a a loaf of bread for your family or whipped or beheaded for sexual crimes the men in frocks don't like
Oh yes Britain and America have a very great deal to be ashamed of
Actually, this is from MatildaJ, who made this comment on one of my posts. I submitted it to A.Dog with her permission and acknowledged her as the OP, but for some reason A.Dog put it under my name instead of crediting her.
You need to update the one about Bill Gates telling Trump not to investigate vaccine side effects. This was in 2017 and he said it was about hiv and hpv vaccines.
Now down the rabbit hole, I’m not sure if it is the same rna tech they were using for both but might be worth looking into. By bills response though, “that would be a bad thing”, it sounds like they are all bad. Which we knew already.
Iran before Britain and America destroyed it. Just like us
Miow mix so glad you now realise the Iranian people are.. just like us ....
actually they are an extremely cultured race with a fantastic university and a heritage going back to second millennium BC The first persian empire founded by Cyrus the Great in 550 BC.
The Persian religion Zoroaster
They developed the world's first postal system and established trade routes with Africa Asia and Europe. was a key influence on both Christianity and Judaism.
I feel particularly sorry for the women cultured and beautiful suddenly forbidden to go to university and had to cover themselves in black not allowed out without a male relative or to drive a car and were lashed for disobeying fanatic religious orders
Appeals to America for help were of course ignored as America and United Kingdom and the priests were responsible for the overthrowing of their democratically elected prime minister for the monarchical rule of Shah Moham mad Reza Pahlavi in 1953. This colour revolution was done under code name operation Ajax
It could happen in a lot of countries especially when they have no means of self defence ..lockdowns have shown that.
The democratically appointed leader of Iran sought to audit the documents of the anglo-iranian oil company a British BP. He wanted to find out that they were paying the contracted royalties to Ian and limit their control over Iranian oil reserves. When they refused to do this then moves were made to nationalise oil industry and expel foreign nationals. When this was voted in Britain did a ww boycott of Iran's oil and then Churchill and Eisenhower decided to overthrow the government...the excuse that they feared a communist takeover when Britain and America ARE the Communists
It's now an Islamic Republic know where they chop off your hand if you steal a a loaf of bread for your family or whipped or beheaded for sexual crimes the men in frocks don't like
Oh yes Britain and America have a very great deal to be ashamed of
Actually, this is from MatildaJ, who made this comment on one of my posts. I submitted it to A.Dog with her permission and acknowledged her as the OP, but for some reason A.Dog put it under my name instead of crediting her.