posted ago by Tiger19 ago by Tiger19 +26 / -0

Obviously the market is totally rigged, specifically the index funds being propped up by the fed. With that being said, there is no doubt that a rate hike will be announced by the fed at 2 pm est. I don't buy for a second that the markets have already priced in a 75-100 basis point rate hike. How in the world are the major indexes currently positive for the day? Who keeps pouring money in? What will happen when the habitual printing of endless money end? Bottom line, and this isn't investment advice, own hard assets. Gold, silver, land, etc. Between BRICS nations moving to a basket backed currency and the Saudi's starting to accept other currencies for oil, outside of the US dollar, our economic times of "prosperity" (compared to most of the world) are going to come crashing down. I know we've heard it a million times, but now is the time to prepare.