So this happened just this morning:
My wife had cancer 3 years ago got treated with radiation and chemo, and is doing fine. We went for her 3-year scan and checkup, all clear, thank God.
While we were there, we ran into a pair of women who my wife knows through community arts. Both are morbidly obese, and one of them also had cancer FOUR years ago.
So while my wife and I go to the gym 5 days a week, DID NOT get vaccinated, and live a healthy lifestyle, this pair (yes, they're "partners") was back there today because her cancer has recurred. As bad as ever.
We know that they are both vaxx'ed and boosted, cuz they are big liberals.
As soon as she said "recurrence" I immediately thought "vaccines".
Can't prove it of course, but I have my suspicious. And yes, despite their lifestyle, we will pray for them both.
I drove my next door neighbor to a hospital on Monday for a colonoscopy test. He is 60, triple vaxxed, liberal. obese. Results significant colon cancer. Surgery and chemo being scheduled ASAP. He told me Doc said he may be needing a colostomy bag after surgery. He said he has had discomfort down there for three months. I like the guy. Name is Mark. Add him to your prayers.
Fenbenzadole has been successful for some people with colon cancer. Cheap. Animal dewormer.