posted ago by TurdFergueson2 ago by TurdFergueson2 +111 / -0

This is bigger than himself, and he knows it. He was just the catalyst we needed. Ol' Daddy T has spent 6 years raising the Men and Women of America to fight like hell for their country.

We will Make America Great Again.

Because we are witnessing now the birth of reborn Americans!!! Alive with The Spirit!!!

America has only just begun to open its eyes. She is waking, and when she stands up!!!!

WATCH THE F#*$&@#&$*K OUT!!!

We must take down the enemy from within, treat the infection, before we can focus on our external threats!

This is a peaceful movement! And those are the strongest. Gandhi proved that with his Salt March!! Screw Colonialism! Worked. Peaceful Movements work 1000 times better than Violent DEMONstrations.

We will purge you DS. We will take back our country. You will, and already do look like fools.

Go ahead, this country belongs to its citizens. The PEOPLE that have built, maintained, and have been banished to never experience the fruit of labor!!

Woe to you few who thrive on Dominion.

Woe to you few who WEF'd it all up.

Woe unto you few who stand behind the mumbling bumbling man with many faces.

This is The LORD's Creation, he who desecrates it, may they beg for mercy from HIM, because humans aren't so forgiving.

We will Make America Great Again, whether "they" like it or not.