I was thinking of even communities of thought. You have the woke, the based, and the normies. Not much commonality between the soy fed city dwellers and the self made country folk. And normies are just oblivious
What he's trying to say is how neighbors, for example, are more able to trust and help one another when they have commonalities. Some of us like living in places where we don't have a neighbor for miles. Others of us like having or need to have many neighbors and live in the cesspools of civilization. The point is that when it comes to having a neighbor or needing to interact with one, then having a foundation of commonalities to build off of make the neighbor a better potential neighbor than not sharing those commonalities. This is, he is trying to say, is what has, in part, destroyed England/Britain with all of the immigrants that are being loaded in that do not share any commonalities that he lists.
I was thinking of even communities of thought. You have the woke, the based, and the normies. Not much commonality between the soy fed city dwellers and the self made country folk. And normies are just oblivious
What he's trying to say is how neighbors, for example, are more able to trust and help one another when they have commonalities. Some of us like living in places where we don't have a neighbor for miles. Others of us like having or need to have many neighbors and live in the cesspools of civilization. The point is that when it comes to having a neighbor or needing to interact with one, then having a foundation of commonalities to build off of make the neighbor a better potential neighbor than not sharing those commonalities. This is, he is trying to say, is what has, in part, destroyed England/Britain with all of the immigrants that are being loaded in that do not share any commonalities that he lists.
Farage spoke well of Queenie...talks about digital currency coming....