💥 The “National Intelligence Manager for Aviation” office of the Air Force rolled out a new logo over the weekend.
What do you see?
đź‘€ EYES ON! đź‘€

Could be comms that a Project Blue Beam False Flag Psy-Op is being prepped.
When the Deep Staters and Cabalists are truly out of cards to play, I fully expect them to try for the alien invasion Psy-Op. Imagine the depth of Mass Formation Psychosis that could be achieved by a world wide "alien" terror attack. Picture 9/11 on a global scale.
The Cabalists deeply desire a World War III, and if they can achieve it a War of the Worlds scenario would be 1000x more effective for their globalist agenda.
Also, for anyone who suggests this has nothing to do with Q:
Theory- what if they are getting ready for end times Armageddon type situation. When the physical war starts and the spiritual war becomes visible, are they gonna use the alien threat as a means to implement one world government? Always wondered why Reagan made that speech.
Regan ended up being muted so much after the assasination scare and being forced to take Bush as VP by the deep state. I wish Q would tell us more of what went down.
I too am waiting for Q to start posting again. Need to ask some question about legitimacy of Bill Cooper and how close to the full picture he was.
You’re not getting an answer to that.