Where are YOU in the Q-universe? Here, in the attack submarine at the bottom! It's cramped. Smells. And hard work! You live on C-rations and you have AUTISTIC FROGS for bunkmates! But only WE get to engage the enemy, night after night. And we have F*CKING NUKES. Y'all ready for Red October???
☢️ LET'S GOOoOoOo ☢️

I'm a Tank.
Guns blazing, loud, obnoxious, over-inflated, sometimes unintended casualties happen...
Not always the best, but essential nonetheless in my opinion.
You are now tied to the deck ahead of the conning tower. LET'S GEAUX.
Just don't gag my mouth so I can still talk trash and make ridiculous statements about the enemy!! Other than that, I'll ride that pony!! Let's GOOOOOOoooOOOOoooOOO!!
OK you're officially in charge of the radio.
Lee Greenwood Comin' Right Up!!!