This video deals with a Maryland bill, not California. California has passed legislation that could allow for such a thing, although they are claiming that it was amended to limit the application of the law to perinatal (after birth) death.
[no investigation for “perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero”]
There’s a proposition on the California ballot this November that would put a woman’s right to an abortion into the state constitution. If that passes, which of course it will considering what our “voting” process is, then all the legislature will have to do at a later time is to re-define “abortion“ to include “perinatal“ time periods. Then they can redefine “perinatal“ to allow the death of the child up to whatever age they desire. They got blowback this time, so they will just need a little patience,
I believe they removed the "perinatal" wording but haven't given any upper time limit after 20 weeks, meaning a woman can give birth at 39 weeks, kill it, claim it was stillborn and then be protected from any investigation or prosecution.
(a) Notwithstanding any other law, a person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights under this article, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero.
This video deals with a Maryland bill, not California. California has passed legislation that could allow for such a thing, although they are claiming that it was amended to limit the application of the law to perinatal (after birth) death. [no investigation for “perinatal death due to causes that occurred in utero”]
There’s a proposition on the California ballot this November that would put a woman’s right to an abortion into the state constitution. If that passes, which of course it will considering what our “voting” process is, then all the legislature will have to do at a later time is to re-define “abortion“ to include “perinatal“ time periods. Then they can redefine “perinatal“ to allow the death of the child up to whatever age they desire. They got blowback this time, so they will just need a little patience,
I believe they removed the "perinatal" wording but haven't given any upper time limit after 20 weeks, meaning a woman can give birth at 39 weeks, kill it, claim it was stillborn and then be protected from any investigation or prosecution.
From the final bill: