According to Marian apparitions the Antichrist is here & is ready to step onto the world stage. Remember the world is going to love him & see him as a savior at first. We are warned of looking at him & gazing into his eyes even on TV or social media as he will be hypnotic. After this WW3 gets going & spreads to other nations-he will make a peace deal - 10 nations will sign on to give up their sovereignty for a global government & religion and he will then step out to head it all. It is only after that point will people & nations realize that they were fooled & realize what he actually is. The incarnated son of the father of lies. By then only a remnant of believers in God will remain here on earth. We’re at the beginning of the end. This is just to get to the 1,000 years of peace on earth before real end times lol
I also recall during the O admin there was a show by a christian man who often said his mom saw the AC in a dream, that he is your (her son's) age, he is a melatto man. I dont remember this guy's name and seem to think he was broadcasting from Florida. He also mentioned not watching AC on tv, or even listening to him.
I'm just saying what it says in the Bible... You cannot tell me that ball-sack eyes is handsome and charismatic. He is the opposite of those things. The world will unite under the Antichrist. In what world does anyone unite under Soros?
A probable Antichrist figure is someone like Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler. Generals and conquerors that ignite the passions of the people around them with charisma and speech. Not some financial alchemy goblin.
LMAO. You are delusional. The Puppet master that OWNES everyone does not care about the People. Think bigger, soros Owns The UN., He Owns obama and clinton and biden.
Are they predicting a British Royal, or perhaps a Rothschild as the antichrist ?
King William of The world.
Coming soon to a one-world-government near you.
According to Marian apparitions the Antichrist is here & is ready to step onto the world stage. Remember the world is going to love him & see him as a savior at first. We are warned of looking at him & gazing into his eyes even on TV or social media as he will be hypnotic. After this WW3 gets going & spreads to other nations-he will make a peace deal - 10 nations will sign on to give up their sovereignty for a global government & religion and he will then step out to head it all. It is only after that point will people & nations realize that they were fooled & realize what he actually is. The incarnated son of the father of lies. By then only a remnant of believers in God will remain here on earth. We’re at the beginning of the end. This is just to get to the 1,000 years of peace on earth before real end times lol
I also recall during the O admin there was a show by a christian man who often said his mom saw the AC in a dream, that he is your (her son's) age, he is a melatto man. I dont remember this guy's name and seem to think he was broadcasting from Florida. He also mentioned not watching AC on tv, or even listening to him.
I wish I could remember this guy's name.
From the movie The Omega Code and Megiddo: The Omega Code 2 (2001).
Who is a good modern candidate for the Antichrist? Is it probable he has been born already?
soros IS the obvious.
He's supposed to be handsome ><. Not to mention charismatic.
The weak minded will always Be weak.
I'm just saying what it says in the Bible... You cannot tell me that ball-sack eyes is handsome and charismatic. He is the opposite of those things. The world will unite under the Antichrist. In what world does anyone unite under Soros?
Really? Soros IS BUYING The World. It is called GREED and that is all that is needed.
A probable Antichrist figure is someone like Alexander, Napoleon, Hitler. Generals and conquerors that ignite the passions of the people around them with charisma and speech. Not some financial alchemy goblin.
LMAO. You are delusional. The Puppet master that OWNES everyone does not care about the People. Think bigger, soros Owns The UN., He Owns obama and clinton and biden.